Digital Logos Edition
We might be relieved if God placed our sanctification only in the hands of trained professionals, but that is not his plan. Instead, through the ministry of every part of the body, the whole church will mature in Christ. Paul David Tripp helps us discover where change is needed in our own lives and the lives of others. Following the example of Jesus, Tripp reveals how to get to know people, and how to lovingly speak truth to them.
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“The overall biblical model is this: God transforms people’s lives as people bring his Word to others.” (Page 19)
“Sin not only causes me to respond sinfully to suffering, it causes me to respond sinfully to blessing.” (Page 12)
“First, Adam and Eve were created to be revelation receivers.” (Page 40)
“If sin is part of our nature, we will always be dealing not only with our history, but with how sin distorts the way we handle it. Help will only come as we deal with our past and own our sin. This is essential because sinners tend to respond sinfully to being sinned against.” (Page 11)
“Sin also produces foolishness in us. Foolishness believes that there is no perspective, insight, theory, or ‘truth’ more reliable than our own.” (Page 14)
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Gene Best
William Emberley