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Products>Philippians, Colossians, Philemon (Swindoll’s Living Insights New Testament Commentary)

Philippians, Colossians, Philemon (Swindoll’s Living Insights New Testament Commentary)

, 2017
ISBN: 9781414393834

Digital Logos Edition

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Digital list price: $30.99
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Philippians is saturated with joy. While under house arrest in Rome, Paul wrote to encourage the Philippians to rejoice in the Lord, despite their circumstances—to find Christ-centered, Spirit-empowered joy in living, serving, sharing, and resting. Colossians is addressed to a church suffering from cultural capitulation and spiritual surrender—just like the church of the twenty-first century. Those who deceive others with self-centered philosophies, self-promoting legalism, and self-serving asceticism attract power and attention, while diminishing the gospel of Jesus Christ. Colossians serves as a lighthouse piercing the fog of false teaching and leading us to the safe harbor of Christ. Philemon illustrates the importance of second chances, the equality…

Top Highlights

“First, when we let our ‘gentle spirit’ shine through in our words, attitudes, and actions, it will have a transformative effect on our hearts and minds. The idea here is having an easygoing temperament. Instead of worrying about every jot and tittle of our lives—and the lives of others—we need to relax. Let things go. Yield to others. Extend a hand of grace to brothers and sisters in Christ. Let insignificant things slide. Accept differences. This kind of ‘gentle spirit’ will rain on the uncontrolled fires of anxiety.” (Page 88)

“Paul is not referring to the passion of romantic love or even to the warm affection of a two-way relationship. He uses the term agapē [26]—the kind of love that seeks the highest good of the other, even at the price of one’s own comfort, safety, and benefit. This is unconditional, self-sacrificial love, the quality of love that God shows His undeserving children.” (Pages 174–175)

“This is a supernatural kind of selfless humility that has its source in our identification with and imitation of Christ” (Page 39)

“We should never go out looking for trouble, but when opponents step in our paths, we shouldn’t be startled.” (Page 33)

“have less difficulty when it comes to relating well to fellow believers who are united ‘in the Lord” (Page 83)

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Chuck Swindoll

Charles R. Swindoll (1934– ) is a pastor, author, educator, and radio preacher. After serving in the United States Marine Corps, “Chuck” Swindoll attended and graduated from Dallas Theological Seminary. He was then ordained into the ministry and served under J. Dwight Pentecost for two years.

In 1998, Swindoll founded Stonebriar Community Church in Frisco, Texas, where he continues to serve as the pastor. He was the president of Dallas Theological Seminary in 1994 and now serves as its chancellor. Swindoll’s radio ministry Insight for Living airs on over 2,000 stations around the world. He has authored several books, including Understanding Christian Theology, Biblical Counseling for Today, and the volumes in Swindoll’s New Testament Insights (4 vols.).


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