Digital Logos Edition
The Encyclopedia of World Religions, Cults and the Occult is designed to be of maximum assistance to those who may know little about the religions and sects that span the globe. It also serves as a comprehensive resource for those who wish to glean more detail about a particular religion or cult group.
Each topic is clearly outlined and easy to find. Handy lists, tables, and comparison charts, such as the Time Line of World Religions, Cults, and Their Founders, and the extensive Glossary make browsing simple for those seeking basic and general information. Those seeking to delve into the minutiae of a particular religion or sect will not be disappointed, either, as each category of world religions, cults, and sects provides a wealth of information.
The greatest need in the world today is for the truth of the Christian gospel to be spread. However, a necessary part of that activity is to identify and expose false religion in all its forms. TheEncyclopedia of World Religions, Cults and the Occultleaves no stone unturned in its examination of false teaching.
“Encyclopedia of World Religions, Cults & the Occult” (source)
“English-speaking countries, this is usually a Holy Bible, but it can be whatever book(s) of inspiration or scripture that the members of a particular Lodge or jurisdiction feel they draw on—whether the Bible, the Qur’an, or other volumes.” (Page 703)
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David Anfinrud