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Bible Study Magazine is a print magazine (not an emagazine) published by Lexham Press. Six times a year, Bible Study Magazine delivers tools and methods for Bible study as well as insights from respected teachers, professors, historians, and archeologists.
Read pastor profiles, author interviews, and stories of individuals whose thoughtful engagement with Scripture has shaped their thinking and defined their ministries. Bible Study Magazine reveals the impact of God’s Word in their lives—and the power of Scripture in yours.
There is a limited supply of back issues of the November-December 2020 Bible Study Magazine.
Bible Study Magazine editor Mark Ward talked with longtime evangelical biblical scholar Ben Witherington about applying the Bible from and to the world of academic biblical scholarship.
On January 25, 2011, Egypt’s streets filled with demonstrators, and crowds in Cairo clashed with government forces. For eighteen days, Egyptians protested the thirty-year autocratic rule of President Hosni Mubarak, calling for reform. Unable to stem the Arab Spring, Mubarak stepped down.
—Danielle Thevenaz
Etymology is the quaint science. Word histories are for precocious nine-year-old homeschoolers who enjoy presenting irrelevant factoids to bemused adults.