Spiritual practitioners and experts across religious traditions are convinced that contemplation cultivates an awareness of the deeper desires of the human heart. But many will ask: does contemplation still exist? If one has been led to believe that there indeed exists the art of contemplation, one will still perhaps wonder what it is and whether or not it is still relevant and applicable today. For many, the term "contemplation" itself perhaps connotes a sense of an exotic practice from a distant past unrelated and impractical to the contemporary life. In this book the author explores the nature and functions of Christian contemplation and offers the reader a wide variety of contemplative prayer methods that can help cultivate an awareness of the spiritual dimension of the human life. The author argues that Christian contemplation is the work of the Holy Spirit. While drawing upon a variety of Christian traditions, the author bases his discussion on the Jesuit tradition of prayer, discernment, and spiritual growth as revealed in the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius.
“Father Nguyen explores the many forms contemplation has taken,
beginning with the ancient hermits and ascetics known as the
Fathers of the Desert. . . . Father Nguyen, trained in the
spirituality of Ignatius, above all treats of contemplation in the
Exercises, a way of focusing our prayer on God’s action in
our lives and of participating step by step in the life of Jesus
—James Torrens, SJ, author of Daybreaks: Daily Reflections for
Advent and Christmas
“Emphasizing that communion with God is universal, Nguyen describes
several modes of meditation (including Zen and Anthroposophy) that
express both the desire for God and the action of the Spirit. His
argument that all longing for spiritual growth is ultimately action
of the Holy Spirit suggests that all contemplation is ultimately
—Eric Cunningham, author of Zen Past and Present
“In this book Joseph Nguyen, SJ, provides both a historical
introduction to the history of Christian spirituality and a
thoughtful argument for its continued relevance and significance
for contemporary digital natives, many of whom no longer profess
any particular religious affiliation.”
—Timothy Clancy, SJ, Gonzaga University
“Nguyen presents an accessible and inviting introduction to
Christian contemplation for students new to theology. The book also
offers practitioners of Ignatian spirituality a deeper dive into
its theological foundations.”
—Erin Brigham, The Joan and Ralph Lane Center for Catholic Social
Thought and the Ignatian Tradition, University of San
“Unusually combining theological depth with sound spiritual wisdom,
this book will prove enlightening both to academic theologians as
well as to the general reader hungry to practice the ancient art of
Christian contemplation.”
—Cathal Doherty, SJ, author of Maurice Blondel on the
Supernatural in Human Action: Sacrament and Superstition
“Trusted spiritual director and theologian, Fr. Joe Nguyen, has
written an excellent survey of the history and theology of
Christian contemplation—that is, the activity by which human
beings, moved by the Holy Spirit and modeled after Christ’s life
and love, are able to fulfill their deepest desires and gain some
measure of union with God. I recommended it for college courses and
for anyone interested in spirituality, whether Christian or
—Mark T. Miller, Department Chair of Theology and Religious
Studies, University of San Francisco
Joseph H. Nguyen, SJ, STD, is a Jesuit priest and Assistant
Professor of Theology and Religious Studies at the University of
San Francisco. He is the author of Apatheia in the Christian
Tradition: An Ancient Spirituality and Its Contemporary
Relevance (2018).