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Products>Ultimate Master Expansion Collection (3,293 Resources)

Ultimate Master Expansion Collection (3,293 Resources)

Digital Logos Edition

Logos Editions are fully connected to your library and Bible study tools.
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The study and research tools in Logos Bible Software are sometimes only as good as the library that comes with them. Containing over 3,290 resources, the massive collection combines the wealth of materials from both Logos 9 Master Library Expansion, XL and the most recent Logos Feature Expansion Master Collection. The larger your library, the broader your results will be for the many features built into Logos Bible Software and allow you to be more efficient in your study of the Bible. Whether you are working with the Factbook, Passage Guide or the Exegetical Guide, the resources in your library, such as commentaries, grammars, dictionaries, and reference works, are the fuel that drive all the best features in Logos.

Please note: This product does not contain any software or datasets—only Logos-enhanced books that make the software features shine. Compare the Base Package options, with our Gold package being highly recommended for the best functionality with the resources included in this collection.

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1 rating

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  1. Travis J Ramsey

    Travis J Ramsey


    This package at logos went above my expertise, this has everything you need for Teaching apologetics pastoral missionary and more by far is a sound doctrine to mkinds ethics and professionalism infused with christ I recommend that every believer that this package are worth the investment rather be in debt with God than a man with no forgiveness in him so exclusively to who it may concern and I indulge and strongly encourage all believers to chip in everything they can pay for this software as a Family member to you all we can spread the message faster if we work smarter not harder our Brother who is asleep will day see this and see where christ would do greater works let us do that together because at logos they treat us like family so give a call and start doing the works our lord has prepared for you Holy Disciple!!
  2. marcos gonzález
    Excelente colección...pero vivo en Venezuela
This product is not currently available to purchase.