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Products>The Liturgical Year Collection (15 Vols.)

The Liturgical Year Collection (15 Vols.)

Digital Logos Edition

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Collection value: $275.85
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Dom Guéranger, abbot of Solesmes from 1837–1875, was one of the leading monastics and liturgists of his generation. His writings were highly influential both in France and abroad. He is perhaps best known today through the pages of his L’Année Liturgique, translated into English as The Liturgical Year. Guéranger began writing this great work in 1841 in order to make the riches of the liturgy more widely available for the Church. In fifteen volumes, he follows the cycle of the liturgical year, illuminating the traditional liturgy with interpretations, commentaries, and riches collected from other liturgies both of Eastern and Western Christendom.

Prosper Louis Pascal Guéranger (1805 – 1875) was a priest and Benedictine monk, who served for nearly 40 years as the Abbot of the monastery of Solesmes, France. He founded the monestary there among the ruins of the previous priory at Solesmes. At this new Abbey of Solesmes, he founded the French Benedictine Congregation, which is, today, known as the Solesmes Congregation. His efforts re-established Benedictine monastic life in France after being wiped out by the French Revolution. Guéranger was the author of The Liturgical Year, a popular commentary which covers every day of the Catholic Church's Liturgical cycles across 15 volumes.


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  1. Top8305



    The projected publishing of this dearly desired soon-to-be-Verbum Resource (requested since 2020-03!), most edifying exhortations beg a question, please: Whence comes to Verbum the 1962 Lectionary of the Roman Rite the Vetus Ordo, commensurate with the one for the Novus Ordo Rite? Lord, that we may have utility for the 1962 Rite in the Homily Builder and Manager, please God! Verbum has stated that this was a planned publication years ago. How long, Oh Lord, how long?


Collection value: $275.85
Save $75.86 (27%)

Almost funded