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Products>Lexham Hebrew-English Interlinear Bible (LHI)

Lexham Hebrew-English Interlinear Bible (LHI)

Digital Logos Edition (DOWNLOAD)

Note: This product was formerly known as the Fairhaven Hebrew-English Interlinear Bible, part of the Fairhaven Bible Reference Series. Lexham has replaced Fairhaven in these titles.

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“A Hebrew-English interlinear” may be one of the most frequent requests we hear from users. The problem has always been acquiring digital rights to a quality title. Recently we decided the time was right to commission our own interlinear and assembled a team that includes some of the world’s top Hebrew scholars.

Rather than machine-generating the interlinear, these scholars are painstakingly creating it word by word—a process that ensures the quality of the resulting product. For example, English glosses are rendered with utmost sensitivity to context.

The Lexham Hebrew-English Interlinear Bible is designed for electronic reference and based on the latest linguistic research. It is being created especially for Logos Bible Software and is a Logos exclusive.

Rather than present a single gloss for each Hebrew word, the interlinear takes advantage of the digital medium to offer multiple layers of English glosses that reflect the complexity of biblical Hebrew language structure. It also includes a wide range of annotations.

This approach benefits all users, whatever their level of Hebrew, as they have access to data that gives a more nuanced look at the Hebrew text.

The interlinear includes six lines of data, as shown in Figure 1.1. Each line may be switched on or off and the display order is fully customizable.

Lines of the Fairhaven Hebrew-English Interlinear
Figure 1.1 — The interlinear offers up to six lines of data.

The manuscript text line follows the text of the Biblia Hebraica Stuttgartensia. The lexical value is a gloss of the lexical form. The English literal translation is a contextually sensitive gloss of the entire word cluster (a word with its prefixes and suffixes, sensitive to the morphological characteristics of the word, such as verb stems).

Having context-sensitive English glosses in the Hebrew text opens up new avenues for searching. Consider any Hebrew word that has more than one meaning—currently there is no good way to search for one meaning versus another in the text. But the Lexham Interlinear’s context-sensitive glosses are indexed at the same location as the Hebrew, so basic ANDEQUALS and NOTEQUALS searches can easily perform this operation.

Annotations fall into five categories: linguistic, sociological, translational, historical, and miscellaneous. Annotations are a significant feature as they encapsulate insights of the editorial team—information that would take a great deal of time to look up elsewhere. One example is a lexical note in Genesis 7:18 for the word וַיִּגְבְּר֥וּ (‘prevailed’) which states, “The lexeme calls forth a frame of ‘war’ in which the waters ‘overpowered’ the earth.”

 . . . the Lexham Hebrew-English Interlinear Bible will be a helpful tool that’s based on current research into discourse analysis, can be used intuitively, and corresponds to the way people actually read the text.

Christo van der Merwe, Lexham Hebrew-English Interlinear Bible lead editor, professor of biblical Hebrew grammar, University of Stellenbosch, South Africa

All 39 books of the Hebrew Bible are now included in Lexham Hebrew-English Interlinear Bible.

If you have an earlier, partial version of the resource you can download the final update—at no additional charge—from the Logos FTP site. CD-ROM updates are available for a nominal charge by calling 800-875-6467 and asking for Customer Service.

Editorial Team

Scholars involved in the creation of the Lexham Hebrew-English Interlinear Bible include:

  • Ms. Tiana Bosman (Psalms, Isaiah, Jeremiah)
    • Research assistant in the Department of Old and New Testament, and the Department of Ancient Studies, University of Stellenbosch. BTh, MDiv, MTh (University of Stellenbosch)
  • Prof. Johan Cook (Proverbs, Job, Ecclesiastes, Song of Songs, Daniel)
    • Associate professor in the Department of Ancient Studies, University of Stellenbosch. BA, BA Hons, MA, DLitt, BTh, Licenciate in Theology (University of Stellenbosch)
  • Dr. Louis Jonker (1 and 2 Chronicles, Ezra-Nehemiah)
    • Senior lecturer in the Department of Old and New Testament, University of Stellenbosch. BA, BA Hon, MA, DTh, BTh, Licenciate in Theology (University of Stellenbosch)
  • Prof. Paul Kruger (Minor prophets)
    • Associate professor in the Department of Ancient Studies, University of Stellenbosch. BA, BA Hons, MA, DLitt, BTh, Licenciate in Theology (University of Stellenbosch)
  • Dr. E. E. Meyer (Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Psalms)
    • Research assistant in the Department of Old and New Testament, and the Department of Ancient Studies, University of Stellenbosch. BA, BA Hons, BD, MA and DTh (University of Stellenbosch)
  • Prof. Christo van der Merwe (Genesis, Deuteronomy, Joshua, Judges, Ruth, 1 and 2 Samuel, 1 and 2 Kings, Esther)
    • Associate professor in the Department of Ancient Studies and Director of the Centre for Bible Interpretation and Translation in Africa, University of Stellenbosch. BA, BA, BA Hons, MA, DLitt, BTh, MTh, MPhil, Licenciate in Theology (University of Stellenbosch)
  • Prof. Harry van Rooy (Ezekiel)
    • Head of School for Biblical Studies and Bible Languages, North West University (Potchefstroom Campus) 2520 Potchefstroom.
  • Second Edition
    • For the second edition of The Lexham Hebrew-English Interlinear Bible, Prof. Christo van der Merwe comprehensively reviewed instances of over 800 keywords. He also completed a substantial revision of the entire text.

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Christo Van der Merwe is an associate professor at Stellenbosch University who specializes in biblical Hebrew, Bible translation, and exegesis of the Old Testament.


30 ratings

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  1. Jonathan Mok

    Jonathan Mok


    Very helpful tool for a Hebrew student. It has a "Hebrew Lemma" option that breaks down every composite Hebrew word into its components, which is the most difficult part for me. For each Hebrew lemma, the lexical value and morphology is also provided. Pretty much everything I needed to start reading the Hebrew text. One problem though... Within each Hebrew word, the Hebrew lemma is displayed from right to left, while the lexical value / English transliteration / morphology are displayed from left to right. Although this is an understandable design choice, it is sometimes very confusing to read when the lexical value / transliteration / morphology of each lemma is not the one displayed directly below it. If there could be additional options to display the lexical value / transliteration / morphology from right to left, this would be perfect.
  2. Marc van Eijden
    I've been using the LHI for a long time now. And I have read through it entirely. It is good but not great. I understand that there are several technical challenges to create this kind of a ressource. The "literal" translation goes from left to right, as it should in English, but the separation is not always clear. Sometime there is a dot. The inconsistency creates sometimes confusion. But if one stops and analyses the text, one can always figure it out if you know Hebrew. So this is not the end of the world. As the for the literal translation, well, that is always a subject of debate. It is a some what literal translation. As they would say, it is a contextual literal translation. This mean that it would actually be better if it were a literal translation, where the reader/user has to take the responsibility to make the choices instead of the corrections. Also I haven't been able to find a way to signal grammatical errors of the translation. Not that there are many, but there some. It would be nice if there were alternative literal translation. In spite of some of my miss givings, it is a useful ressource.
  3. Father John Somers
  4. Andrew Noble

    Andrew Noble


    So this is a great interlinear. A big defining feature is that it uses right-to-left format instead of left-to-right reading, which is much better for a serminary-trained Hebrew reader like myself who still needs to leverage some help with parsing and the like. The major problem with this though is that when you hover over it within Logos there is the same font that appears over and over, and there is no way to remove it. It always says something like "[a] indicates that [a] is grammaticalized or lexicalized in English but not in Hebrew"... this is a fine promt to appear, but it ALWAYS appears on EVERYTHING pretty much and Logos support says you can't get rid of it.
  5. Stephanus Karnadhi
    Can anyone please explain why the BHS has 2 Kings 18 until verse 46, while the LHI until verse 37 only? Thank you.
  6. Matthew Rini

    Matthew Rini


    Extremely useful, I cannot emphasize this enough!
  7. Andrew B

    Andrew B


    Can only see Hebrew - where are the switches for the parsing etc? Thanks
  8. John Schirle

    John Schirle


    Does this tool also include parsing? (For example if you hover over the word, will you get an abbreviated version of the parsing?)
  9. Samuel



    I love this - I use it every day!
  10. 조영광



    Please check this Book! LHI is can see just hebrew. a few days before, I could see Hebrew and traslated english. But now I can see just Hebrew. Please check this book, LHI and fix it!


Print list price: $129.95
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