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Products>Why Did Jesus Live a Perfect Life? The Necessity of Christ’s Obedience for Our Salvation

Why Did Jesus Live a Perfect Life? The Necessity of Christ’s Obedience for Our Salvation

ISBN: 9781493432264

Digital Logos Edition

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How does Christ’s obedience relate to our salvation?

Speaking into current conversations about the nature of salvation, New Testament scholar Brandon Crowe sets out a new, comprehensive account of the nature of the atonement, exploring how this doctrine affects our participation in the life of God and in the shared life of the Christian community. Crowe builds on key insights from other historic substitutionary views, especially those associated with penal substitution, while clearing up persistent misunderstandings regarding those models.

Crowe argues that we are saved by Christ’s perfect obedience, which has implications for understanding the gospel message, Christian hope, and discipleship. Not only is Jesus the quintessential model of faithfulness in a fallen world, but his unique work frees us from the burden of perfect obedience. This book will appeal to professors and students of the New Testament, pastors, and laypeople.

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  • Argues that we are saved by Christ’s perfect obedience, which has implications for understanding the gospel message, Christian hope, and discipleship
  • Provides a new, comprehensive account of the nature of the atonement
  • Explores how this doctrine affects our participation in the life of God and in the shared life of the Christian community

Part 1: Definitions

  • What Is Required?
  • The Basis of Justification

Part 2: Exegesis

  • The Obedience of the Last Adam
  • The Mosaic Law and Perfect Obedience
  • Jesus’s Obedience and Salvation in the Gospels
  • The Obedience of the Perfect Priest
  • Obedience, Resurrection, and Salvation

Part 3: Implications

  • Jesus’s Obedience and Our Justification
  • Jesus’s Obedience and Our Obedience
  • What Is Required Is Finished
In the extensive debates over justification that have captured a great deal of attention in the last quarter century, relatively little space has been allotted to the role of Jesus’s obedience. That lacuna has now been admirably filled by Brandon Crowe. The combination of his careful exegesis and his knowledge of earlier Reformed debates makes him an admirable guide across terrain that should not be bypassed.

—D. A. Carson, emeritus professor of New Testament, Trinity Evangelical Divinity School

Many Christians today understand that Christ had to suffer on our behalf and bear the penalty for our sin, but they have no idea why Jesus also had to live a perfect life. Yet without the active obedience of Christ, how can we be justified before God? With profound biblical and theological insight, Brandon Crowe teaches us that we not only need our sins forgiven but also need the spotless righteousness of our Savior. Apart from the imputation of Christ’s righteousness, our salvation is incomplete! Here is a book that is not only accessible but timely: in a day when imputation is often rejected, Crowe reveals just how critical Christ's entire life is to our union with Christ. There is no hope without it.

—Matthew Barrett, associate professor of Christian theology, Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary; host of the Credo Podcast

Some think the imputation of Christ’s righteousness is abstract and separated from our everyday lives. Crowe shows that the doctrine is woven into the warp and woof of biblical teaching, and that knowing and cherishing this truth is vital for spiritual life. There is a beautiful simplicity and clarity in this book, which makes it an ideal resource both for young believers and for those who have known the good news for years. We also find here an example of theological interpretation of Scripture that includes the great confessions of the Reformation. The best theological interpretation doesn’t restrict itself to the early church but also mines the insights of the Reformation. I hope and pray for a wide reading of this profound book.

—Thomas R. Schreiner, James Buchanan Harrison Professor of New Testament Interpretation, Southern Baptist Theological Seminary

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Brandon D. Crowe (PhD, University of Edinburgh) is associate professor of New Testament at Westminster Theological Seminary in Glenside, Pennsylvania, where he also serves as New Testament department coordinator and coordinator of the Greek language curriculum. He is the author or editor of several books, including The Obedient Son: Deuteronomy and Christology in the Gospel of Matthew and The Essential Trinity: New Testament Foundations and Practical Relevance, and is the book review editor for Westminster Theological Journal.


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  1. Jintae Seok

    Jintae Seok

