Many serious students of the New Testament who have not attained high competence in reading Greek are aware of the exegetical value of the details of Greek sentence structures but have no reliable access to that information except what they manage to glean from laboriously examining commentaries. Greek New Testament Sentence Diagrams: English Version is a newly envisioned resource to assist such readers of the New Testament. This work will prioritize maintaining Greek grammatical structures over attractive styling of the English wording. Its goal is not to convey every nuance of the Greek text but rather to provide an English window into the grammatical structure of the Greek sentences. Of course some of those structures are idiomatic to Greek and carry no special significance for readers of other languages. However, many of those structures are universally significant as they display, for example, details of subordination or coordination among various portions of a sentence that enhance readers’ ability to perceive the New Testament authors’ focus points and development of thought with greater clarity. The diagrams can also help struggling Greek learners unravel those difficult sentences that teachers seem to delight in assigning!
This pre-pub is intended to gauge interest in the future production of this title.
Some of us think that diagramming is a key component to proper exegesis. I encourage my students to diagram their passages in my exegetical courses. But diagram the entire Greek New Testament? Randy Leedy has done it! Most commentaries are rather disappointing when it comes to detailed interaction with the Greek text; too often they gloss over the hard parts. But Leedy’s diagramming is a refreshingly honest work. Do I agree with every decision he has made? Of course not; diagramming, too, is interpretive. What it especially does is to bring to the conscious level the decisions that the exegete intuitively makes. Leedy has worked with the text and has done an amazing job at showing how everything connects. By using Dr. Leedy’s diagrams, students will get one more layer of interpretation, and one closely tied to the actual words of Scripture. Get this tool!
—Daniel B. Wallace, Senior Research Professor of New Testament Studies, Dallas Theological Seminary
Randy Leedy (PhD Bob Jones University) served at Bob Jones University from 1982–2019, from 1994 on as Seminary professor of New Testament, with primary teaching duties in Greek exegesis. He has also served local churches in lay leadership and pastoral roles. He currently remains active in various Greek-related pursuits, as indicated at his website,
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