Logos is pleased to offer the CrossTV/Word Pictures video series A Workman Approved By God as our newest addition to the Logos video library. This 16-part series is accessible for study and reference. The video book series utilizes the same tagging techniques featured in our electronic book collections, so it fits seamlessly into your existing library, adding a new tool in your study of Hermeneutics and biblical interpretation.
How can you determine whether someone is correctly interpreting God’s Word? In a day and age when there are over 1000 Christian Denominations, and literally thousands of cults, (and everybody seems to have a different interpretation of scripture), that’s not an insignificant question. So how do you know? In a word: Hermeneutics. Which is just a fancy word for the science of biblical interpretation. And as Hank Hannegraaff, President of C.R.E. (a group dedicated to challenging cultic and heretical teaching) put it: “The best antidote to heretical teaching is a good hermeneutical training.”
CrossTV is “a revolution in Christian television . . . led by the ultimate revolutionary . . . the ultimate non-conformist of all time, Jesus Christ.” Their Word Pictures videos discuss a wide range of topics, including Apologetics, Hermeneutics, and Salvation. Guest speakers on CrossTV include: Josh McDowell, Steve Gallagher, Joni Eareckson Tada, Erwin Lutzer, John MacArthur, and more! For more information about CrossTV, visit their website at http://www.crosstv.com/.
Be sure to check out the other great products from CrossTV, the Apologetics: Defending the Faith Video Series, The Good Steward Video Series, the 2 Sides of the Same Coin Video Series, and The True Christian’s Love for the Unseen Christ Video Series.
People are tired of a mock, pseudo, superficial Christianity. They’re realizing that despite all the hype and emotion up front, in the final analysis, much of modern Christianity is nothing more than a “form of Godliness, without the power.” (2 Timothy 3:5) Yet, there is a new, God-sent thirst and hunger amongst a relatively small (but rapidly growing) remnant of people, to experience, know, love, obey, suffer for, and serve the one, true, living God with all their hearts, souls, minds, and strength.
And those same people want a true, straight talking, plain speaking, “don’t tell me what you think I want to hear; tell me what I need to hear,” biblically accurate interpretation and exposition of God’s Word. They want to know what God wants us to know, the way he wants us to know it.
And people have grown weary of being hit up for money, or given “fluff” in place of doctrine, or having their intelligence insulted or placated in the name of Christianity. The result has been a genuine longing for the preaching and teaching that the Spurgeons and Wesleys and Edwardses of yesteryear were renowned for.
“Word Pictures” is one ministry’s God-fearing attempt to be faithful to that call.
More information available at http://www.crosstv.com/crosstv-work.html