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Pure Life Collection (12 vols.)

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Collection value: $126.88
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The Pure Life Collection is the result of many years of confronting and conquering the addiction of sexual sin. Today Christians are being inundated with pornography and other forms of sexual sin explicitly displayed on the television, at the movies, in books, and on the Internet. How do Christians stay pure in the sight of God in an unholy, corrupt world? Is it possible for believers in this modern era to be in the world, but not of it?

Pure Life Ministries testifies to the sobering fact that sexual sin can and does destroy lives, homes, churches, careers and one’s relationship with God. It affects pastors and lay people alike, regardless of one’s economic or social status. It is an epidemic that the Church must face squarely and honestly. The Pure Life Collection includes nine books and three videos, providing pastors, counselors, lay leaders and those who suffer with sexual sin valuable, scripturally sound answers to address this dreadful addiction and provide healing.

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Product Details

  • Title: Pure Life Collection (12 vols.)
  • Authors: Steve and Kathy Gallagher
  • Publisher: Pure Life Ministries
  • Volumes: 12
  • Pages: 1,924
  • Minutes: Approx. 120

Individual Titles

Out of the Depths of Sexual Sin

  • Author: Steve Gallagher
  • Publisher: Pure Life Ministries
  • Publication Date: 2003
  • Pages: 222

Deep beneath the cop’s badge he wore, Steve had a dark secret. Behind the arrogant exterior was a man obsessed with the triple-X rated underworld. In this autobiography Gallagher describes himself as nearly insane with paralyzing fear, devilish pride, and seething bitterness. he was unsure if God could really bring something good out of a life so ravaged by sin. Out of the Depths of Sexual Sin is the riveting story of a man who courageously battled his way out of deep darkness to help found Pure Life Ministries, helping other men gain freedom from the bondage he was once in.

Steve tells his story to testify to the fact that God can transform the most wretched life into one of decency. In it he shares his deepest struggles and most humiliating failures. Knowing others, too, have had similar experiences, Steve wants them to know there is a way out, through Jesus Christ. It is his hope that in reading his story God will bring those who suffer, like he once did, out of their despair and bless them with a life of joy and freedom.

Reading this book became a turning point in my life. I am encouraged by Steve Gallagher’s honest reflections on a less-than-perfect life, and his unshakeable pursuit of God. After finishing this book (which you may find impossible to put down until you do finish it), I was able to finally say with assurance that I want Jesus. Steve’s life demonstrates that it is both possible and very desirable for anyone, but particularly for someone in sexual sin, to walk in freedom in Christ.

—Online reviewer

Living in Victory

  • Authors: Steve Gallagher
  • Publisher: Pure Life Ministries
  • Publication Date: 2002
  • Pages: 233

Steve reminds us that living a victorious life is possible when we tap into God’s great storehouse of mercy for our needs, and then act as a conduit for that power toward others. Real victory occurs not only when someone overcomes habitual sin, but when a person becomes a tool in the hands of God. The message of this book is that you need not settle for a fear-driven form of freedom when an abundant life of victory in Christ is yours for the taking. Steve hopes with this book to incite Christian men to dig deep, rise above compromise and experience the fullness of God’s mercy as they pursue purity in him.

Because we have embraced the faulty level of the world, our houses are weak, our churches are vulnerable and our families are falling down all around us. Steve Gallagher’s Living in Victory takes us back to the only level we should use to build…the Word of God. Be prepared to be uncomfortably challenged as he exposes the faulty levels in your life. At first it will feel like being torn down. But in time you will see that you are being built up to a new life in Christ.

—Dannah Gresh, author, And the Bride Wore White.

Steve Gallagher approaches the subject of victorious living not as a self-made man, but as a God-made man—an all-too-fallible man who has placed his fate in the hands of a mighty and gracious God. If you’re tired of pat answers and you’re ready to let God change you, [read] this book.

—David E. Fessenden, managing editor, Christian Publications, Inc.

Create in Me a Pure Heart: Answers for Struggling Women

  • Author: Steve and Kathy Gallagher
  • Publisher: Pure Life Ministries
  • Publication Date: 2007
  • Pages: 269

The apostle Paul tells us that a person given over to wanton pleasure is dead even though alive. Kathy and Steve Gallagher reveal that sexual sin is not strictly a man’s problem, but that statistics indicate the problem among women is much more widespread than anyone might have imagined. The desire to connect with someone emotionally, the indulgence in romantic fantasies, the craving for male attention, and the ever-present godless influences of the media have all combined to create what has quietly become a spiritual epidemic in our midst. Create in Me a Clean Heart addresses the unique issues that the struggling woman faces, offering a clear-cut path to freedom.

Create in Me a Clean Heart is a straightforward, raw and urgent call to holiness. It is a powerful compilation of research, Scripture, and real life stories of both struggle and freedom. This book is invaluable for every shamed captive daughter who has ever wanted true empowerment as well as for every counselor or pastor who’s wondered how to approach this growing problem.

—Lisa Bevere, Author, Kissed the Girls and Made Them Cry

Too often the root problem is never understood and therefore never addressed, thus keeping the enslaved without hope for freedom. But this book offers great hope for deliverance because it clearly exposes the root problem and shows the way to lasting freedom. I recommend it as a ‘must read’ for anyone seeking freedom.

—Dr. Ruth Ruibal, missionary, Cali, Colombia

When his Secret Sin Breaks Your Heart

  • Author: Kathy Gallagher
  • Publisher: Pure Life Ministries
  • Publication Date: 2003
  • Pages: 189

Behind every husband enslaved to sexual sin is a woman reaping the horrible side effects of his self-centered lifestyle. When his Secret Sin Breaks Your Heart is more than an emotional look at a painful subject—a wife’s devastating discovery that her husband has a secret obsession with pornography and/or other women. Kathy Gallagher has been there; she understands the pain of rejection, the feelings of hopelessness, and the questions that plague a hurting wife. In this collection of letters, she imparts heart-felt encouragement by providing practical and biblical answers based on real-life testimony. She not only sympathizes with the emotional turmoil wives experience, but more importantly, she directs them to their only true source of hope: Jesus. Included is a 30-day journal offering wives a place to prayerfully reflect upon Kathy’s letters.

As a wife of a porn addict, I didn't know that so many things were tied together. I thought his porn addiction was just one aspect of his life, I didn't know that being financially controlling, emotionally distant and cold, not having intimacy in or out of the bedroom, not socializing—it was all related! This book helped me to go from feeling isolated and alone to realizing I'm not the only woman who is in this exact same spot! And best of all, there is help and there is hope! AND Kathy Gallagher helps you to stay focused on the Almighty Healer through it all. I highly recommend this book to anyone hurting and searching for answers.

—Online reviewer

Intoxicated with Babylon

  • Author: Steve Gallagher
  • Publisher: Pure Life Ministries
  • Publication Date: 1996
  • Pages: 233

How deeply in love with the world has the Church—Christ’s body—become? Is it difficult in today’s world to tell the difference between a Christian and a nonbeliever by watching their lives? Jesus told us that love would wax cold for him in the last days. he wasn’t talking about the unbeliever; he was talking about those who claimed to be his followers. Paul warned us that in the last days believers would love money, pleasure, themselves, more than God. James refers to those Christians who love the world as adulterers.

Intoxicated with Babylon is the result of Steve’s extensive study of the book of Revelation. In it he addresses the fact that, at this crucial hour, the Church is corporately approving “a powerless form of religion that tolerates an impotent blend of Christianity and heathenism.” Modern Babylon is not a place, but a spirit, a mindset, an attitude that has infiltrated the pulpits, pews, bookstores, and homes of many Christians. Armed with a vast array of worldly charms and enchanting indulgences, Babylon has deceived believers into exchanging a vibrant life in God for the empty shell of powerless religion. This book is a sobering voice calling out to a slumbering and sensuous Church to return to holy living.

Intoxicated with Babylon is a call to each of us, and to the Evangelical Church. It is a ‘wake-up call’ . . . a very loud one that cannot be ignored. You will either respond and get out of ‘bed’ immediately, or you will hit the ‘snooze button’ and go back to sleep. It is a clear choice leading to the opportunity for repentance and serious faith in Christ. Those who hit the ‘snooze button’ will prove Steve Gallagher’s thesis that the Church in America has drifted far from the mark. The choice is clear—sleep or awaken!

—Jim Sheard, author, In his Grip

Intoxicated with Babylon is very informative for people who want to hear and see. They will be challenged to repent and make new commitments. Unfortunately, the masses will continue to walk in the darkness of deception unless God intervenes. But Steve, like Jeremiah of old, is still commanded to cry the message even though people will not always listen. I feel this book is a definite wake-up call to the Church in these last days.

—Rev. Kenneth Kashner

At the Altar of Sexual Idolatry

  • Author: Steve Gallagher
  • Publisher: Pure Life Ministries
  • Publication Date: 2007
  • Pages: 304

Is it possible for a Christian man to maintain a pure heart in America’s sexually charged culture? Can he truly honor God with his thought life? The answer is a resounding yes. At the Altar of Sexual Idolatry is a thorough and incisive examination of sexual sin, revealing its inner workings which the author understands, having lived in the bondage of it himself for over 12 years. Steve provides spiritual keys and practical, biblical answers in this timely book, pointing the man to Jesus Christ as the ultimate answer to his problems. It is possible to put an end to the mystery of lust and step into a life of freedom. This revised and expanded edition offers fresh insights from 20 years of counseling, plus two new chapters that tackle Internet porn and the eroding morality of America.

I do a lot of counseling of men struggling with sexual addiction. Far more than any book I have encountered, Sexual Idolatry cuts right to the heart of the problem. Steve Gallagher has finally given the evangelical world a book that uses the Word of God to deal with this terrible epidemic.

—Dr. Robert K. Wetmore, professor, theology, Toccoa Falls College

This kind of spiritual aggression against God has but one cure—brokenness, repentance, and walking daily in the power of the Holy Spirit. God’s transforming way is revealed in this book.

— Dr. Tim Clinton, president, American Association of Christian Counselors

A Biblical Guide to Counseling the Sexual Addict

  • Author: Steve Gallagher
  • Publisher: Pure Life Ministries
  • Publication Date: 2004
  • Pages: 208

Those who attend Pure Life Ministries commit to a six-month program, where they are taught scriptural principles of Christian lifestyle through in-depth Bible study, intensive prayer, supportive fellowship, and one-on-one counseling. But the facilities are limited to how many applicants they can take at any given time. It was for this reason Steve wrote A Biblical Guide to Counseling the Sexual Addict, to provide a practical Biblical model for churches and counselors who minister to people engrossed in sexual sin.

This book, written for pastors, ministers, counselors, and lay leaders, is not one of theory, but the result of proven successful practice as demonstrated at the Pure Life Ministries campus. Laying aside pop psychology and excuses of unmet needs and childhood trauma, PLM insists that a pure life is accomplished by the powerful work of the Holy Spirit and a submission to the Scriptures. Using the fundamentals of Biblical counseling as they relate to sexual sin, Steve shares specific areas where these principles can be applied. For instance, helping young people deal with the temptations they often encounter. Or supporting the wife who has been devastated with the discovery of her husband’s infidelity. Or when ministering to the homosexual or confronting a pastor who struggles with pornography and other sexual sins. In the final section of the book Steve shows how to begin a ministry of support for those who have fallen into sexual idolatry.

This straightforward book lays out specific steps toward healing, and will help you deliver real hope to the addict who is desperate for victory.

—June Hunt, Author, host, Hope for the Heart

With the depth which comes through years of experience, Steve gives us a plan of action that will honor God and restore the sinner.

—Dr. Bill Hines, author, dean, Master’s Divinity School

Irresistible to God

  • Author: Steve Gallagher
  • Publisher: Pure Life Ministries
  • Publication Date: 2003
  • Pages: 170

Are there some Christians you know that appear to enjoy favored status with God? Isaiah tells us that God esteems or looks upon the person who is humble and contrite in spirit and trembles at his word. Before someone can come into intimate contact with this Holy God, he or she must first be purged of the pride that dwells deep within all of us. It is this terrible sin that exalts itself against God and keeps him at a distance. Steve has written this book as a roadmap to show the difficult but rewarding way out of the pit of pride and into the “green pastures of humility.” Humility is the key that opens the door into the inner regions of intimacy with God. Irresistible to God unfolds the mystery that God is indeed drawn to the one who is crushed in spirit, broken by his sin, and meek before the Lord and others.

How America Lost Her Innocence

  • Author: Steve Gallagher
  • Publisher: Pure Life Ministries
  • Publication Date: 2005
  • Pages: 96

In 1950s America, when decency, honesty and morality were purportedly the way of life, seeds of corruption were quietly being sown by a handful of evil men. Within two generations, homosexuality became commonplace and pornography a national pastime. Clearly, America has lost her innocence! How did this happen? Why did America become so engrossed in explicit sexual sin within four decades? In How America Lost Her Innocence, Steve Gallagher vividly tells the story of a handful of chosen individuals through whom Satan found a way to influence an entire nation for evil. The result is not only historical, but a spiritually insightful uncovering of the unseen forces behind America’s sexual revolution.

Breaking Free From Habitual Sin

  • Author: Steve Gallagher
  • Publisher: Pure Life Ministries
  • Minutes: 60

This video concentrates on God’s answer to habitual sin: repentance. People become addicted to sin because the human heart is prone toward evil. One may try all kinds of things to break bad habits, but only through true repentance—the complete upheaval of the old way of thinking—can one break free to a renewed relationship with God. The process of breaking free from habitual sin is outlined in this video with personal testimonies of men who have attended Steve’s seminar

Overcoming Insecurity

  • Author: Steve Gallagher
  • Publisher: Pure Life Ministries
  • Minutes: 60

Those trapped in habitual sin are often riddled with insecurities, which can have a paralyzing effect on their lives. Steve admonishes that few of us recognize insecurities as the blight of pride. On the surface the connection seems impossible, but feelings of rejection, defense mechanisms and the fear of others are all embryos of pride, lurking behind the false exterior of insecurity. It’s not until we identify our insecurities for what they really are that we will be able to begin walking in victory over them. In this video, Steve unfolds the truth about our insecurities, and how to allow the Lord to dismantle those crippling defense mechanisms that keep us from the abundant Christian life.

The Call to Freedom

  • Author: Steve Gallagher
  • Publisher: Pure Life Ministries
  • Minutes: 60

Freedom from the grip of sexual lust seems so elusive to many. They have yet to understand true repentance and the life-altering change it can produce. If you are hungry to experience the joy of living free, this video, filmed at World Overcomers Church in Tennessee, will help guide you there.

About the Authors

Kathy Gallagher and her husband, Steve, founded Pure Life Ministries in 1986, a ministry for men struggling with habitual sexual sin. Kathy has spent countless hours ministering to the hurting wives of these men, pointing them to Jesus and giving them hope through the very answers that worked for her. As a result of Kathy’s ministry, each year hundreds of wives receive counseling through Pure Life’s Overcomers at Home Program. She and Steve live in rural Kentucky where she serves as CFO of Pure Life Ministries.

Steve Gallagher, a former deputy in the Los Angeles Sheriff’s Department, is the president of Pure Life Ministries. he is an ordained minister and holds an associates of arts degree from Sacramento City College and a ministerial arts degree from Capital Bible Institute. A certified biblical counselor through the International Association of Biblical Counselors (IABC) in Denver, CO, he has dedicated his life to helping men overcome sexual sin through holiness and a passionate pursuit of Jesus. PLM operates a live-in program on a 45-acre facility for Christian men seeking God’s answers to sexual sin.


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  1. John A. Taylor
  2. David pauley

    David pauley


  3. Dustin




Collection value: $126.88
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