Digital Logos Edition
Hans-Josef Klauck’s Ancient Letters and the New Testament: A Guide to Context and Exegesis places the New Testament letters among the most important letter corpora of antiquity. Chapters cover the basic letter formula, papyrus and postal delivery, nonliterary and diplomatic correspondence, Greek and Latin literary letters, epistolary theory, letters in early Judaism, and all the letters of the New Testament. Part I of each chapter surveys each corpus, followed by detailed exegetical examples in Part II.
In the Logos edition, Ancient Letters and the New Testament is easily searchable. Scripture passages are tagged to appear on mouse-over, and all cross-references link to the other resources in your digital library, making this collection even more powerful and even easier to access than ever before. With Logos’ advanced features, you can perform comprehensive searches by topic or Scripture reference—finding, for example, every mention of “covenant” or “hope.”
This is an outstanding book, since it combines basic syllabus material with advanced philological and exegetical scholarship. Its author displays a profound knowledge both of Early Christianity and of the Hellenistic-Roman world. A special asset consists of the numerous little-known examples of ancient letters which are presented in a most convenient and easily accessible way in this rich book.
—Samuel Vollenweider, University of Zurich, Switzerland
This splendid book is vintage Klauck. He offers a close reading of a wide range of ancient letters as well as brief discussion of ancient epistolary theory and of rhetoric. He strikes just the right balance between basic instruction and original insight.
—Abraham J. Malherbe, Buckingham professor emeritus of New Testament criticism and interpretation, Yale Divinity School
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Curtis Dubreuil
Veli Voipio