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Products>Jonathan Edwards: Life, Thought, and Works (73 vols.)

Jonathan Edwards: Life, Thought, and Works (73 vols.)

Digital Logos Edition

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Collection value: $1,664.04
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Jonathan Edwards is considered one of the greatest American philosophers and theologians. While Edwards is most well known for his sermon "Sinners in the hands of an Angry God" and his famous resolutions, he wrote on a massive variety of subjects beyond theology and philosophy, including aesthetics, social and behavioral science, biological science, to name a few.

This collection of resources includes the complete critical Works of Jonathan Edwards (WJE) from Yale University as well as large selections of sermons and additional documents by Edwards, making this one of the most comprehensive ways to add Edwards primary sources to your digital Logos library. In addition, this collection includes secondary works, including biographies and analysis of his life and teachings. With these resources, you will study with one of the eighteenth century's most influential thinkers.

These seventy-three volumes will display as sixty resources in your digital library.

  • Title: The Life, Thought, and Works of Jonathan Edwards
  • Publishers: IVP, Westminster John Knox, Christianity Today, Yale University Press, Faithlife, Eerdmans, Reformation Trust, Banner of Truth Trust, Isaiah Thomas, Jun., Christian History Institute, Sam Storms, Fortress Press, Christian Focus, Cascade, The Jonathan Edwards Center at Yale University, Reformation Heritage, Ligonier Ministries, S. Converse
  • Publication Date: 1808–2022
  • Volumes: 73
  • Resources: 60
  • Format: Digital › Logos Research Edition
  • Resource ID: {2A537DED-7A41-4530-85D7-74C57FDEBDFE}


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    Collection value: $1,664.04
    Save $514.05 (30%)
    Starting at $69.87/mo at checkout