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Be Thou My Vision: A Liturgy for Daily Worship

, 2021
ISBN: 9781433578199

Digital Logos Edition

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Every Christian knows the importance of a daily quiet time with the Lord. But anyone who’s been a believer long enough has likely experienced seasons that feel more mundane or routine, leading to aimlessly skimming a couple of Bible verses or praying the same prayer over and over.

In Be Thou My Vision, Jonathan Gibson has created a 31-day liturgical guide designed to provide structure to the daily worship of individuals and families. Each daily reading includes a call to worship, adoration, confession, assurance, creed and catechism, the Gloria Patri, a prayer of illumination, Bible reading, intercessory prayer, and the Lord’s Prayer. Designed to be read in 15–20 minutes a day, this beautifully produced liturgy will give readers focus and purpose to their daily quiet time while teaching them historical prayers, creeds, and catechisms that point them to Christ.

  • Provides a 31-day liturgical guide designed to provide structure to the daily worship of individuals and families
  • Gives readers focus and purpose to their daily quiet time
  • Includes a call to worship, adoration, confession, assurance, creed and catechism, the Gloria Patri, a prayer of illumination, Bible reading, intercessory prayer, and the Lord’s Prayer
  • Preface
  • Scriptural Foundation for Daily Worship
  • Structural Format of Daily Worship
  • Daily Liturgy
  • Appendix I: Music for Doxology and Gloria Patri (traditional and alternative versions)
  • Appendix II: Heidelberg Catechism (1563) and Westminster Shorter Catechism (1647)
  • Appendix III: McCheyne Bible Reading Plan
  • Appendix IV: Collects from Book of Common Prayer (1552)
  • Appendix V: Author and Liturgy Index

Top Highlights

“So, according to Jesus, there is a time to pray together as a church and a time to pray on our own.” (Page 27)

“Isaiah, the servant of the Lord is said to be awakened ‘morning by morning’ to listen to God’s instruction (Isa. 50:4” (Page 26)

“I do not deserve a glimpse of heaven, and I am unable with my works to redeem myself from sin, death, the devil, and hell. Nevertheless, you have given me your Son Jesus Christ, who is far more precious and dear than heaven, and much stronger than sin, death, the devil, and hell.” (Page 71)

“Delightfully to love you is our greatest duty, and our only felicity, for you are love itself, and infinitely amiable. Amen.” (Page 113)

“he provided a basic structure in the Lord’s Prayer of adoration, petition, confession, and further petition.” (Pages 28–29)

Jonathan Gibson, PhD, is an ordained minister in the International Presbyterian Church, UK, presently serving as the associate professor of Old Testament, Westminster Theological Seminary, Philadelphia. He is author of Isaiah: Good News for the Wayward and Wandering, Be Thou My Vision: A Liturgy for Daily Worship, and The Moon Is Always Round, as well as coeditor of Reformation Worship and From Heaven He Came and Sought Her. He is also coauthor of The Acrostic of God: A Rhyming Theology for Kids. Jonny is married to Jackie, and they have four children. 


6 ratings

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  1. Trenton Cleveland
  2. David W. Gilmore
    I own the physical edition of this book and love it. The church I attend doesn't have much of a liturgical structure. This book has been a great resource for my daily time with the Lord. The liturgy for each day serves a a tool to get me "warmed up" and in the right mindset before I start my Scripture reading and prayers. When I try to "find time" for prayer and Bible study in my day, it's often a very abrupt transition from what I was doing (working, chores, etc) into prayer time or Scripture time. But, the process laid out in this book is extremely helpful to calm me, get me focused, and make my time more fruitful
  3. Mal Walker

    Mal Walker


    As others have mentioned, this is an excellent resources. Gibson has put a huge amount of effort into creating a liturgy for daily prayer and bible reading which draws from the very best of church history and Christian tradition. I'd highly recommend it for anyone who struggles to establish a regular devotional pattern, or who feels their current pattern does not readily cause them to reflect upon and praise God. Two things to note regarding the logos edition. First, the physical edition makes significant use of red font colour for headings, and importantly, for liturgical instructions. This is sadly not found in the logos digital edition - it's all monotone, making it much harder to distinguish instructions from content, or to see where you are at in a glance. Second, this resource is not integrated into Logo's lectionary feature. This is a shame, because that feature would be the best way to experience or use this resource within logos. This is not a book to be read through from cover to cover, but a liturgical guide for daily prayer and bible reading. For these two reasons I give this logos edition of Gibson's 'Be Thou My Vision' 4 out of 5 stars. The resource itself is worthy of 5 stars, but its integration into Logos is not.
  4. Louis Love

    Louis Love


    This is an excellent resource. I sense the church and our personal lives will benefit much from a rediscovery of the helpfulness of a liturgy in our worship times.
  5. Albert de Luna
    Although I did not purchase this book on Logos, I do have the hard copy. My wife and I do this devotional every night and we absolutely love it. I would highly recommend it to anyone who desires to have a church like devotional study with their family and friends.
  6. Aaron Sauer

    Aaron Sauer

