Digital Logos Edition
At the beginning of his academic career, author Jacob Milgrom determined to make his lifework a probing study of the Laws of the Torah. In his three volumes on Leviticus, he has reached the pinnacle of his long pursuit. No other contemporary commentary matches Milgrom’s comprehensive work on this much misunderstood and often under-appreciated biblical book. With its English translations that convey the nuance and power of the original Hebrew, this trilogy will take its place alongside the best of the Anchor Yale Bible.
Jacob Milgrom, an ordained rabbi active in his profession, is emeritus professor of Hebrew and Bible at the University of California, Berkeley, and a widely published author. Distinguished author of four books and over 10 scholarly articles on the Bible, Milgrom is a Guggenheim fellow, a Fulbright fellow, a fellow of the Institute of Advanced studies at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, and a fellow of the American Academy of Jewish Research.