This fantastic pamphlet is the #1 Tabernacle Bible Study resource on the market! It features a cut-away diagram of the Tabernacle, showing more than 15 important features of the Tabernacle and explaining how they point to Jesus! Go step-by-step through the pattern of worship (from the Tabernacle Courtyard into the Most Holy Place) as you learn about each part of the Tabernacle and how it points to Christ. Enjoy being able to see what the Tabernacle looked like as you find out key facts about its history and its symbolism! Perfect for Old or New Testament Bible studies.
One glance at this full-color Tabernacle picture will bring to life the story of Moses and the Tabernacle in the Wilderness of Sinai. See the Ark of the Covenant and Mercy Seat, the High Priest and his garments, and the Holy of Holies.
This Tabernacle Pamphlet is perfect for a Tabernacle Bible Study or for a Book of Hebrews Bible Study.
List of Full-Color Tabernacle Pictures in the Tabernacle Pamphlet
This Tabernacle Pamphlet features a Tabernacle cutaway picture that provides an inside view of the Tabernacle of God. It includes a brief explanation of each part of the biblical Tabernacle, including:
The Tabernacle Furnishings—and the Pattern of Worship
The High Priest in the Tabernacle
High Priest and his Garments
Tabernacle Sacrifices and Their Meanings
The 12 Tribes of Israel Encamped around the Tabernacle at Mt. Sinai
Tabernacle Charts and Time Lines in the Tabernacle Pamphlet
The Tabernacle Pamphlet illustration, created exclusively for Rose Publishing by renowned Bible artist Stan Stein, provides an amazing inside look at the Tabernacle and all its furnishings. But this visual teaching aid not only explains the Old Testament Tabernacle in detail, it also helps people of all ages understand the symbolic relationship between the Tabernacle and Jesus Christ.