Digital Logos Edition
Gary Staats’ Jesus Christ through Hebrew Grammar Collection brings together five grammatical studies of Old Testament passages that point to Christ and his role in fulfilling prophecy. Staats carefully explicates each passage from the original Hebrew, providing a comprehensive grammar lesson. He breaks down the passages verse by verse, offering interpretation and application.
Logos Bible Software dramatically improves the value of the Jesus Christ through Hebrew Grammar Collection by enabling you to find what you’re looking for with unparalleled speed and precision. In the Logos edition, this collection is completely searchable—Scripture passages appear on mouse-over and link to the original-language texts and English translations in your library. This makes these volumes more powerful and easier to access than ever before. Search by topic or Scripture reference—finding, for example, every mention of “body” or “faith.”
5 ratings
Chris Trevino
DavePL HI Haoli KI
Manuel Fernández Martín
James Mills Jr.
Veli Voipio