Digital Logos Edition
This 11-volume collection presents a wealth of biblical study from Gary Staats. Tackling topics ranging from the misinterpretation of the Word to the search for scriptural agreement on adultery and divorce, Staats seeks to highlight Christ’s presence throughout the Old and New Testaments. His teaching and studies bring to light his strong exegesis and expository commentary, elucidating the texts clearly and compellingly.
In the Logos edition, the Gary Staats Bible Study Collection is completely searchable—Scripture passages appear on mouse-over and link to the original language texts and English translations in your library. This makes these volumes more powerful and easier to access than ever before. Search by topic or Scripture reference—finding, for example, every mention of “divorce” or “vision.”
Gary Staats discusses common problems in the reading of Genesis 1:1–3. Examining the Hebrew text, Staats looks at the interpretative differences between reading the passage as a complete sentence versus and reading it as separate independent clauses.
Gary Staats is the Gale and Harriette Ritz Professor of Old Testament at Winebrenner Theological Seminary. An American Baptist minister, he has taught and pastored for almost 40 years. He has also written numerous ebooks on Christological Hebrew grammar, Christological Greek grammar, Old and New Testament exegesis, and biblical theology.
Gary Staats addresses textual and theological problems in the interpretation of Paul’s allegory in Galatians 4. He examines the uniqueness of Paul’s allegory, as well as its use by interpreters in establishing a dual system of hermeneutics.
Gary Staats is the Gale and Harriette Ritz Professor of Old Testament at Winebrenner Theological Seminary. An American Baptist minister, he has taught and pastored for almost 40 years. He has also written numerous ebooks on Christological Hebrew grammar, Christological Greek grammar, Old and New Testament exegesis, and biblical theology.
In Aspects of Negative Role Modeling in the David/Bathsheba Story and Its Sequel, Gary Staats explores the literary dynamics at play in the story of David and Bathsheba and in its sequel, the Amnon-Abasalom conflict. Interpreting biblical narrative, he examines the ethical concerns of the text, comparing them to other literary Old Testament narratives.
Staats pays special attention to the negative aspects of David’s character, which are often passed over or deemphasized. He asserts that David’s negative character traits are of great importance to understanding the didactic nature of the Scripture narratives.
Gary Staats is the Gale and Harriette Ritz Professor of Old Testament at Winebrenner Theological Seminary. An American Baptist minister, he has taught and pastored for almost 40 years. He has also written numerous ebooks on Christological Hebrew grammar, Christological Greek grammar, Old and New Testament exegesis, and biblical theology.
Gary Staats’ Biblical and Christological Theology provides a detailed outline of classic texts with key theological subjects. His study seeks to emphasize Christ throughout Scripture and covers many subject areas, such as the study of God, the trinity, the study of man, and more. Staats’ provides a basic overview of the different theological approaches to Scripture and key theological ideologies present in the church and their applications.
Gary Staats is the Gale and Harriette Ritz Professor of Old Testament at Winebrenner Theological Seminary. An American Baptist minister, he has taught and pastored for almost 40 years. He has also written numerous ebooks on Christological Hebrew grammar, Christological Greek grammar, Old and New Testament exegesis, and biblical theology.
Gary Staats’ examines the Anabaptist postion on nonresistance through a study rooted in the book of Matthew. He claims that when historic Anabaptists speak of non-resistance, they are not speaking of a strictly humanistic form of pacifism or of some other form of non-violence outside of the genuine Christian community of believers, but rather grounding their views in the teachings of Christ. He asserts that the views they hold are only applicable to believers who are personally seeking to be disciples of Jesus Christ, and he digs into Scripture to reveal the intricacies of the Anabaptist perspective.
Gary Staats is the Gale and Harriette Ritz Professor of Old Testament at Winebrenner Theological Seminary. An American Baptist minister, he has taught and pastored for almost 40 years. He has also written numerous ebooks on Christological Hebrew grammar, Christological Greek grammar, Old and New Testament exegesis, and biblical theology.
Using selected verses from Daniel 2 and 7, Gary Staats continues his pursuit of Christ through the Old Testament through a series of Aramaic grammar lessons. Staats explicates the original Aramaic text word by word, and using Daniel’s visions, he explores Christ’s presence in the Old Testament. He breaks down each verse into a five-part description composed of the original Aramaic text, a vocabulary list, a grammar lesson, an English translation, and an application or interpretation of how the verse applies to Christian theology. The book includes an introduction to the Aramaic language complete with conjugations and parsing guides.
Gary Staats is the Gale and Harriette Ritz Professor of Old Testament at Winebrenner Theological Seminary. An American Baptist minister, he has taught and pastored for almost 40 years. He has also written numerous ebooks on Christological Hebrew grammar, Christological Greek grammar, Old and New Testament exegesis, and biblical theology.
Gary Staats works his way through the Old Testament, uncovering Christ’s presence in the Scriptures. His outlines provide a Christological study and cross references that point to the work of Jesus throughout all Scripture.
Gary Staats is the Gale and Harriette Ritz Professor of Old Testament at Winebrenner Theological Seminary. An American Baptist minister, he has taught and pastored for almost 40 years. He has also written numerous ebooks on Christological Hebrew grammar, Christological Greek grammar, Old and New Testament exegesis, and biblical theology.
The purpose of this study is to look at the life of Christ from the Hebrew Scriptures as seen through the eyes of the New Testament writers. Gary Staats looks at twelve aspects of the character and nature of Christ, putting them in context with Old Testament passages.
Gary Staats is the Gale and Harriette Ritz Professor of Old Testament at Winebrenner Theological Seminary. An American Baptist minister, he has taught and pastored for almost 40 years. He has also written numerous ebooks on Christological Hebrew grammar, Christological Greek grammar, Old and New Testament exegesis, and biblical theology.
In Man and Woman: Co-Partners in Prophetic Ministry?, Gary Staats considers the role of women in prophetic ministry. Arguing that women are authorized and commanded to teach, he defends this calling in light of New Testament Scriptures and Old Testament precedents.
Gary Staats is the Gale and Harriette Ritz Professor of Old Testament at Winebrenner Theological Seminary. An American Baptist minister, he has taught and pastored for almost 40 years. He has also written numerous ebooks on Christological Hebrew grammar, Christological Greek grammar, Old and New Testament exegesis, and biblical theology.
Gary Staats seeks to reconcile the teachings on adultery, divorce, and remarriage in Mosaic Law with those of Christ and Paul. Carefully unraveling these teachings, he attempts to bring harmony to Scriptures—harmony that, at first glance, might seem contradictory in nature. His careful interpretation relies heavily on cultural context.
Gary Staats is the Gale and Harriette Ritz Professor of Old Testament at Winebrenner Theological Seminary. An American Baptist minister, he has taught and pastored for almost 40 years. He has also written numerous ebooks on Christological Hebrew grammar, Christological Greek grammar, Old and New Testament exegesis, and biblical theology.
Gary Staats’ Short Meditative Thoughts on the Bible and Life offers insight on important areas of the Bible. Staats discusses 52 biblical topics, seeking to draw out the depths of meaning from the biblical text in the context of other ancient texts from Ancient Near Eastern, Hebrew, Greek, Latin, Aramaic, Rabbinic, and classical sources.
Gary Staats is the Gale and Harriette Ritz Professor of Old Testament at Winebrenner Theological Seminary. An American Baptist minister, he has taught and pastored for almost 40 years. He has also written numerous ebooks on Christological Hebrew grammar, Christological Greek grammar, Old and New Testament exegesis, and biblical theology.
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Miles Jeffrey
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