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Charismatic Renewal and Pentecostalism: The Renewal of the Nigerian Catholic Church


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The Holy Spirit is a sine qua non in the life of the church and in all Christian life and experience. The importance of the experiential and praxis-oriented theology of the Charismatic Renewal and Pentecostalism cannot be overemphasized in the realization of the potentials of a Spirit-animated church. In fact, Charismatic Renewal in the Nigerian Catholic Church is an essential part of the changing face of the Catholic Church in Nigeria. This work is, therefore, using Charismatic and Pentecostal theology and praxes to argue for the renewal of the Nigerian Catholic Church. It avers that the praxis-oriented and experiential theology of the Charismatics and Pentecostals, which characterize them as Spirit-filled groups and churches, are enabling the Nigerian Catholic Church to realize the potentials of a Spirit-driven church. It upholds that the Nigeria Catholic Church through the Nigerian Catholic Charismatic Renewal, which is an indispensable part of the changing face of the Catholic Church in Nigeria, has wittingly or unwittingly begun the renewal of her pneumatological, ecclesiological, and liturgical doctrines and practices in accord with those of a truly Spirit-animated church.

“This book offers a confident, thorough, and creative argument for the Nigerian Catholic Church’s reception of charismatic and Pentecostal Christian worship styles and experiential emphasis. In his appreciative analysis of key dimensions of charismatic and Pentecostal ecclesiology and liturgy, Isidore Iwejuo Nkwocha invites Nigerian Catholicism into greater openness to the dynamic ‘play’ of Spirit-led church. A valuable contribution to contextual and praxis-oriented theology.”

—Maureen R. O’Brien, Duquesne University

“Nkwocha effortlessly guides the reader through the experiential and praxis-oriented theology of Pentecostalism (the fastest growing movement in African Christianity) and the charismatic renewal (the popular way of encountering God as Spirit in Catholicism). Nkwocha’s grasp of the literature is stunning. He successfully connects the Nigerian experience of Pentecostalism and charismatic renewal to the Bible, history, and world Christianity. This book is a must-read for pastors, theologians, and students of Pentecostalism and the charismatic movement.”

—Elochukwu Uzukwu, Duquesne University

Isidore Iwejuo Nkwocha is associate professor of theology at Spiritan International School of Theology, Attakwu, Enugu, Nigeria. He is the author of “Nothing New under the Sun: Environmental Degradation and Lessons from Traditional Africans” (International Journal of African Catholicism) and “African Communalism: Toward a Genuine Interreligious Dialogue in Sub-Saharan Africa” (International Journal of African Catholicism).


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