Digital Logos Edition
Christianity’s roots run deep with examples of strong faith from spiritual giants extending throughout history. One of the greatest needs today is for Christians to be lifted up from our current cultural moment and be refreshed by the insights and wisdom of ancient believers. Today’s church can be renewed by listening to yesterday’s saints.
This CSB Study Bible features study notes and commentary from the writings of the church fathers of the second through fifth centuries to help you understand and apply their rich, biblical insights to your life, for preparation to teach or for Bible studies. Also included in the CSB Ancient Faith Study Bible are “Twisted Truth” call-outs describing where some ancient thinkers drifted from orthodoxy, over 25 feature articles highlighting a key selection from one of the early church fathers on an essential Christian truth, and biographies of 25 of the most influential patristic church fathers.
The study Bible’s commentary and writings are from: Irenaeus of Lyons, Origen, Justin Martyr, Tertullian, Clement of Alexandria, Ambrose of Milan, Augustine of Hippo, Athanasius of Alexandria, John Chrysostom, Jerome, the Cappadocian Fathers, and more. Features of this CSB Bible include: Study notes from the early church, exclusive feature articles, profiles of patristic fathers, “Twisted Truth” call-outs, author index to easily find commentary from individual church fathers, presentation page, book introductions, full-color maps, and more.
This product includes both the Christian Standard Bible (CSB) and the CSB Ancient Faith Study Bible notes.
3 ratings
Arno J Sandoval
Lydia de Jongh
Joseph E