The Brain and the Spirit invites readers to embark on a practice of listening to the Christ story through the earpiece of neuroscience. After many years steeped in brain science, the author had an unexpected encounter with a theologian, James Alison, whose trust in God and forgiveness toward others appeared to defy neurobiological explanation. How did his encounter with the Christ story produce in him the Christlike responses that it did? This question launched the author on a thrilling quest to listen to the scriptures and take up questions of creation, humanity, sin, Jesus, salvation, the Spirit, and the body of Christ, to hear what might get amplified by our ever-expanding understanding of the human brain. Readers are invited to eavesdrop on the twists and turns of the author's story and take up their own practice of listening to the Spirit, scripture and theology through the earpiece of neuroscience, and to become curious how the Christ story may spark trust which unlocks our brain's capacity to engage reality with relationality, kindness, creativity, and access to joy.
“St. David is a thoughtful observer and generous teacher who is
always asking how we might say ‘yes’ to the Spirit. This book is an
answer: beautifully imagined, beautifully written, at once deeply
theological and deeply scientific, this faithful attempt to
reconcile our brains and our souls will offer beauty to anyone who
reads it.”
—Greg Garrett, author of A Long Long Way: Hollywood’s Unfinished
Journey from Racism to Reconciliation
“St. David takes us on pilgrimage through the brain of a Christian,
pointing out where neurons are firing and where transformation is
happening as the good news does its work. Her curiosity,
creativity, facility with neuroscience, and deep affection for the
elements of the Christian faith are all on display as she helps us
see why trust, forgiveness, and integration in Christ are also
patterns of an emotionally healthy life.”
—Anthony D. Baker, Professor of Systematic Theology, Seminary of
the Southwest
“The consummate storyteller, with the elegant aesthetics of ancient
tapestry, the dramatic romance of a symphonic maestro, the
contemplative energies of desert amas, and the mathematical
insights of a quantum physicist, Gina St. David integrates
neuroscience, Scripture, art, poetry, and theology to grapple with
how we perceive God, signal trust, and embrace the capacity to
forgive. Dr. St. David's lyrical, intimate, rhythmic style of quiet
listening and inspired writing makes reading the systematic
theological categories of creation, humanity, sin, Christ,
salvation, Spirit, and the body of Christ (church) meaningful and
accessible. This volume, which engages autobiographical,
contemplative spirituality is a must-read for academicians and
laypersons alike interested in the connections between lived
spirituality, contemplation, trauma, and stress management toward
embodied forgiveness, where one loves with an open heart.”
—Cheryl A. Kirk-Duggan, author of Baptized Rage, Transformed
Grief: I Got Through, So Can You
“In a time of rampant distrust and widespread trauma, this is a
book we desperately need. Gena St. David combines scientific savvy
with spiritual insight to help us imagine what healing, trust, and
transformation can look like. She carries us along as she makes her
own story a bridge between the narratives of Scripture and the
insights of science. She is a gifted writer, a first-rate
storyteller, and a careful researcher. I’ll never see my brain the
same way again! If all truth is God’s truth, then St. David is
helping the rest of us pull diverse pieces of that truth together
in unexpected ways. Readers who enter from the world of psychology
will be invited to contemplate the mystery that exceeds
observation. Readers who enter from the world of spirituality will
be invited to engage the science that can explain us to ourselves
and make us more compassionate toward others. Reading this book is
an invitation to joy.”
—Scott Bader-Saye, Academic Dean, Professor of Christian Ethics and
Moral Theology, Seminary of the Southwest
“In this beautiful, healing book Gena St. David shows the spiritual
and material are so interwoven it becomes impossible to draw a
line. The human brain displays a structural capacity to reconfigure
itself and its dynamic relations to the world in response to sacred
Scripture. St. David retells the biblical story in key topics and
episodes, laying out multiple examples of scriptural revelation
both modeling and producing human well-being through changed
connections in the brain. As she aptly quotes, ‘What fires together
wires together!’ This book is an acutely timely, revolutionizing
account of biblical narrative from the perspective of neurobiology
and its profound potential to integrate and practice new modes of
human life, away from reflex violence, punishment, and trauma. . .
. A vital addition to emerging theological accounts of
transformative humanity.”
—Anthony Bartlett, theologian and author of Theology Beyond
“I am offering a Hemingway-inspired six-word story of this
beautiful book: Neuroscience and God, trusting restoration: a
tapestry. St. David has woven together two worlds which are, too
often and unnecessarily, divided. Her work explores the
neuroscience of emotion, healing, trust, and reconnection with
nuance and clarity, while interweaving biblical and spiritual depth
with poetic thread. Whether you are called to this work through the
spirit, the science, or both, it promises to open your curiosity,
stir your ability to listen deeply, and awaken your capacity for
—Juliane Taylor Shor, founder of IPNB Psychotherapy
Gena St. David is Associate Professor of Counselor Education and
Director of the Loise Henderson Wessendorff Center for Christian
Ministry and Vocation at Seminary of the Southwest in Austin,