Digital Logos Edition
Augustus M. Toplady was an eighteenth-century Anglican minister and a fervent defender of Calvinism. His passionately Reformed, controversial views landed him at the center of many debates. This collection contains many of the sermons, letters, essays, and political writings that sparked ire and debate among his contemporaries.
Toplady returns to his defense of Calvinism in the fifth volume of The Works of Augustus M. Toplady. Including letters, essays, sermons, biographies of influential Calvinists, as well as a translation of Zanchy’s The Doctrine of Absolute Predestination Stated and Asserted, this volume goes over the five points of Calvinism in great detail and advises how to preach on this topic. This work includes essays on perseverance and family prayer.
The Works of Augustus M. Toplady contains not only a definitive defense of Reformed thinking but also significant eighteenth-century theological writings. With the collection’s 500-plus pages of material, the reader will gain a greater understanding of the historical influence of Calvinism and delve into Toplady’s considerable theological knowledge. The Works of Augustus M. Toplady is essential for students, professors, or those simply interested in knowing more about the doctrine or history of Calvinism. The Logos edition makes it easy to study Toplady alongside the other digital Reformed resources in your library.
Want all six volumes of The Works of Augustus M. Toplady? Get them here.