Digital Logos Edition
"Free at last, free at last. Thank God Almighty, I'm free at last!"
Do you long for greater intimacy with Christ?
Are you tired of futile efforts to experience spiritual victory?
Do you wish for greater effectiveness in serving Christ?
The secret is not in spiritual tricks or religious acts, but in a deeper knowledge of Christ Himself. Christ's resurrection power is available to meet your need and draw you closer to Him, asserts Dr. Tony Evans. If your heart longs to know Him and serve Him, you can experience a deeper relationship with Him.
Satan loves to coil himself around the minds of Christians, keeping us spiritually off balance and defeated by confusing our identity. But Satan has no authority over us. Christ can live His life through us.
Are you tired of your attempts at self-sufficiency? Are you tired of being in bondage to your sin? Learn how Christ has set you free.
This is a Logos Reader Edition. Learn more.