This volume of short essays and other pieces by C. S. Lewis is part of a larger collection, C. S. Lewis: Essay Collection and Other Short Pieces. In addition to his many books, letters, and poems, C. S. Lewis wrote a great number of essays and shorter pieces on various subjects. He wrote extensively on Christian theology and the defense of faith but also on ethical issues and the nature of literature and storytelling. Within these pages is a treasure trove of Lewis’ reflections on diverse topics. This volume includes: 1. Learning in War-Time 2. Bulverism, or The Foundation of Twentieth-Century Thought 3. The Founding of the Oxford Socratic Club 4. My First School 5. Democratic Education 6. Blimpophobia 7. Private Bates 8. Meditation in a Toolshed 9. On the Transmission of Christianity 10. Modern Man and His Categories of Thought 11. Historicism 12. The Empty Universe 13. Interim Report 14. Is History Bunk? 15. Before We Can Communicate.