Digital Logos Edition
In Hebrews, James Thompson brings the insight of a veteran teacher and writer to bear on a New Testament book whose rich imagery and memorable phrases have long shaped Christian discourse. Students, pastors, and other readers will also appreciate the historical, literary, and theological insight offered in this practical commentary. This commentary, like each in the Paideia series, approaches each text in its final, canonical form, proceeding by sense units rather than word-by-word or verse-by-verse. Each sense unit is explored in three sections: (1) introductory matters, (2) tracing the train of thought, (3) key hermeneutical and theological questions.
“The argument appears to be an appeal to common sense and a claim that the Son is the builder of the house.” (Page 90)
“Indeed, the author speaks only to those who have not fallen away. Since this apostasy has not occurred, the author’s words remain hypothetical. His words are intended to shock the readers into recognizing the cost of abandoning God’s heavenly gift.” (Page 135)
“ consistent theme in chapter 11 is that those who build their lives on the unseen world become aliens in this world” (Page 234)
“suggesting that the abandonment of the assembly is a step toward the apostasy described earlier in the homily” (Page 206)
“Only the author of Hebrews describes the work of Jesus in high priestly and sacrificial terms” (Pages 3–4)
Thompson’s masterful commentary on Hebrews will be a boon to students, preachers, and experts alike. Its clear, readable style, accompanied by a wealth of sidebars and charts, makes one of the most obscure books of the New Testament easily accessible.
—Alan C. Mitchell, Review of Biblical Literature
With a firm grasp on the theological, ecclesial, historical, social, and literary issues, James W. Thompson has produced a commentary on Hebrews that is clear, compelling, and helpful. In Thompson’s hands, this often difficult biblical book breaks open with new power and meaning.
—Thomas G. Long, Bandy Professor of Preaching, Candler School of Theology, Emory University
This is a detailed and scholarly, though not overly technical commentary on Hebrews, drawing upon a wealth of recent scholarship, especially on studies of the epistle’s rhetorical structure and argumentation. Illustrations and inserted boxes with outlines or brief factual information make this an attractive tool for students. . . . A valuable commentary.
—International Review of Biblical Studies
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Paideia: Commentaries on the New Testament approaches each text in its final, canonical form, proceeding by sense units (pericopes) rather than word-by-word or verse-by-verse. Thus, each commentary follows the original train of thought as indicated by the author instead of modern artificial distinctions. Using this approach, one is able to grasp not only the exegetical-historical information of a passage, but also follow a coherent theological expression throughout. Additionally, this series is enormously helpful and practical through its usage of small visual presentations of historical, exegetical, and theological information. Highly user friendly, this is a great resource for college students, pastors, or those who want to take their Bible study to another level.
The Paideia series explores how New Testament texts inform Christian readers by: