Digital Logos Edition
“Why Can’t We Hate Men?” asks a headline in the Washington Post. A trendy hashtag is #KillAllMen. Books are sold titled I Hate Men, The End of Men, and Are Men Necessary? How did the idea arise that masculinity is dangerous and destructive? Bestselling author Nancy Pearcey leads you on a fascinating excursion through American history to discover why the script for masculinity turned toxic—and how to fix it.
Pearcey explains how religion is often cast as a cause of domestic abuse. But research shows that authentically committed Christian men test out as the most loving and engaged husbands and fathers. They have the lowest rates of divorce and domestic violence of any group in America.
Yes, domestic abuse is an urgent issue, and Pearcey does not mince words in addressing it. But the sociological facts explode the negative stereotypes and show that Christianity has the power to overcome toxic behavior in men and reconcile the sexes—an unexpected finding that has stood up to rigorous empirical testing.
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Nancy Pearcey has written the definitive book on the subject of masculinity for our time. With an extraordinary overview of the many trends--historical and otherwise--that have brought us to our current tragic confusion on the subject, she masterfully and compellingly weaves as true and accurate a picture as imaginable on this most vital of subjects. In so doing she provides great clarity and hope, pointing the way forward. A magnificent achievement.
—Eric Metaxas, #1 New York Times bestselling author of Bonhoeffer, Martin Luther, Is Atheism Dead?, and Letter to the American Church; host of Socrates in the City and The Eric Metaxas Show
Nancy Pearcey has done it again. In this timely and insightful book, she argues that the problem today is not masculinity itself but a secular view of masculinity that has replaced the biblical concept of manhood. Pearcey offers a historical look at how we lost it and a road map for recovery. So much is at stake. We must take The Toxic War on Masculinity to heart.
—Sean McDowell, professor at Biola University; cohost of the Thinking Biblically podcast; author of twenty books, including Chasing Love
No one weaves together theology, philosophy, data, and storytelling like Nancy Pearcey. The Toxic War on Masculinity will hook you from page one, and you will finish equipped to contend with today's warped view of gender and its insidious attack on men.
—Allie Beth Stuckey, host of the Relatable podcast