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Sermões de Spurgeon sobre a cruz de Cristo

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A crucificação e a ressurreição de Cristo são o ápice do plano redentor divino. Na cruz, a justiça e a paz se beijaram (Salmo 85:10), o ato sacrificial de amor aplacou a ira merecida pelo pecado. O corpo ferido de Cristo rompeu a barreira da inimizade que separava a humanidade da presença do Pai e escreveu a mais fantástica história de amor. O tema central das Escrituras é abordado de forma magistral nestes 13 sermões de Charles Haddon Spurgeon sobre a cruz de Cristo. Desde a profecia do sacrifício do Messias no Antigo Testamento até a glorificação do Cordeiro, Senhor é apresentado como o Enviado de Deus para “buscar e salvar o perdido”. Cada uma das palavras aqui registradas lhe provocará a reflexão do quanto custou a Deus remir o que estava perdido. A paixão com que foram registradas instiga o leitor a sondar seu compromisso com o Redentor em vista de tal demonstração do amor divino.

  • Título: Sermões de Spurgeon sobre a cruz de Cristo
  • Autor: Charles Spurgeon
  • Editora: Publicações Pão Diário
  • Páginas: 272
  • Data de Publicação: 2019
  • Idioma: Português
Charles Spurgeon

C. H. Spurgeon (1834–1892) is one of the church’s most famous preachers and Christianity’s most prolific writers. He converted to Christianity in 1850 at a small Methodist chapel and began his own ministry immediately, preaching more than 500 sermons by the age of 20. Logos has collected his sermons in The Complete Spurgeon Sermon Collection (63 vols.).

Spurgeon was the pastor of New Park Street Chapel (later the Metropolitan Tabernacle). Many of his sermons were published each week and regularly sold more than 25,000 copies in 20 languages. Spurgeon is still known as the “Prince of Preachers” by Reformed Christians and Baptists.

Spurgeon founded the Pastor’s College (now Spurgeon’s College) in London. Dwight L. Moody was deeply influenced by Spurgeon’s preaching, and founded the Moody Bible Institute after seeing Spurgeon’s work at the Pastor’s College in London.

By the time of Spurgeon’s death in 1892, he had preached almost 3,600 sermons and published, also under the name Charles H. Spurgeon, 49 volumes of commentaries, along with numerous books of sayings, devotions, and more. The Charles Spurgeon Collection (149 vols.) contains over 3,550 sermons from this gifted speaker and leader and his most-loved works like The Treasury of David, Lectures to My Students, The Sword and Trowel, and dozens of other volumes. Also available from Logos is Spurgeon Commentary: Galatians, and the Spurgeon Sermon Upgrade Collection (2 vols.).


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