Digital Logos Edition
The perfect commentary for teachers and preachers! This outstanding commentary series just got better; now complete with sermon and teaching outline. General Editor Lloyd J. Ogilvie brings together a team of skilled and exceptional communicators, blending sound scholarship with life-related illustrations and useful outlines for teaching and preaching.
Also available as part of The Preacher's Commentary
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“He understands our thoughts ‘from afar off.’ Note that He doesn’t merely know what we think; He understands what we think. He knows the hidden motives and agendas that stand behind our thought processes.” (Page 471)
“The greatest truth of God is that He is worthy of our worship, and the deepest truth about ourselves is that we have been created to worship Him.” (Page 529)
“This taking heed includes two things. First, the Word of God cleanses us as it separates us from this world and all of its uncleanness. Thus Jesus tells His disciples, ‘You are already clean because of the word which I have spoken to you’ (John 15:3). But, second, the Word of God also cleanses us as it directs us in the paths of righteousness. It not only separates us from the world; it also separates us to God. The Word works to bring us into the will of God.” (Page 345)
“What does it mean to bless God? Scharbert answers that the Hebrew verb (in the piel) ‘always means to express solemn words that show the appreciation, gratitude, respect, joint relationship, or good will of the speaker, thus promoting respect for the one being blessed…. When God is the object, brk … should always be rendered ‘praise’” (Pages 225–226)
“The relation ship between sin and sickness is clearly established. As we well know today, moral failure can have disastrous effects upon our physical health. Grief unhealed, leading to chronic depression, can result in death. In the Exile, Israel’s grief was not simply the loss of homeland and family; her grief was the loss of God’s presence because of her rebellion and sin. This is the greatest grief imagined.” (Page 271)
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Forrest Cole
Dennis Davis