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Products>Baker Academic Pentateuch Studies Collection (5 vols.)

Baker Academic Pentateuch Studies Collection (5 vols.)

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The Pentateuch, or “five volumes” in Greek, is composed of the first five books of the Bible: Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy. These books of the Law provided a history and moral instruction for God’s people, paving the way for the rest of Scripture. Knowing the Pentateuch is critically important to reading the rest of the Word, and in the five-volume Baker Academic Pentateuch Studies collection, you’ll find a wealth of recent scholarship and insight to help you gain a fuller understanding of these key books. From in-depth thematic analysis of the books to women’s studies, this collection is sure to bring revelation and depth to your Pentateuch study.

The Logos edition of the Baker Academic Pentateuch Studies is fully integrated and networked with your digital library. Scriptures and cross-references are linked and appear on mouse-over, and with Logos’ advanced features, you can perform comprehensive searches by topic or Scripture reference—finding, for example, every mention of “Eve” or “sacrifice.”

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Key Features

  • Thorough introduction to the Pentateuch books
  • Studies on women of the Pentateuch
  • Examination of theological themes and topics

Product Details

Individual Titles

From Paradise to the Promised Land: An Introduction to the Pentateuch

  • Author: T. Desmond Alexander
  • Edition: 3rd
  • Publisher: Baker
  • Publication Date: 2012
  • Pages: 384

Sample Pages: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7

This text has been a popular introduction to the Pentateuch for more than 15 years, offering a unique alternative to the too-common critical approaches that focus on the books’ composition over content. Instead of providing commentary for individual passages, T. Desmond Alexander takes a holistic view of the books, revealing the “big picture” and identifying prominent themes and connections between the Pentateuch and the New Testament. With this new edition, T. Desmond Alexander keeps the book fresh and relevant for contemporary students by updating the references and adding material that reflects recent pentateuchal research as well as his maturing judgments. The result is a revision that will prove valuable for many years to come.

There is no doubt that theology undergraduates and anybody who takes an interest in the riches of the Pentateuch are indebted to Alexander for providing us with a highly readable, informative, and at times even innovative book.

—Michael Widmer, Themelios

In this up-to-date and scholarly work, Alexander shows how the first five books of the Bible make sense and hang together. More than that, they lay the foundations of Christian theology so that no one can properly understand the rest of the Bible who has not come to terms with them. Alexander will be found to be a lucid and reliable guide to this vital part of Scripture.

Gordon J. Wenham, Trinity College, Bristol

Two virtues about From Paradise to the Promised Land have especially struck me. One is the comprehensiveness of the way it seeks to help us grasp the Pentateuch. The other is the way Alexander shows us how different themes hold these books together—themes such as the sanctuary, kingship, and the land. Both these features open up possibilities in grasping the Pentateuch as a whole.

John Goldingay, Fuller Theological Seminary

Desmond Alexander provides an introduction that considers the Pentateuch as a whole, both thematically and theologically. The Pentateuch is presented as a unity, yet the variety of topics within it receive substantial and penetrating treatment. It is the sort of study that many readers and their teachers have long wanted on this first section of the Old Testament.

—J. Gordon McConville, University of Gloucestershire

An excellent overview of major themes in the Pentateuch. . . . An excellent tool that should be used by anyone planning to preach or teach through these books.

Biblical Booklist

[A] wealth of useful and accessible information on the Pentateuch. . . . This book is especially welcome as a solid introduction accessible to undergraduate students.

Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society

A good literary introduction to the Pentateuch.

The Bible Today

Eminently useful. . . . Studying the Pentateuch by means of commentaries can be compared to looking at the separate pieces of a jigsaw puzzle. While we may find something of interest in each piece, it is only when all the pieces are put together that we get the complete picture. Alexander puts the puzzle together in ways that bring the larger picture of the Pentateuch into a sharp, Christ-centered focus.

Concordia Journal

T. Desmond Alexander is director of Christian training at Union Theological College in Belfast, Northern Ireland. From 1980 to 1999, he was lecturer in Semitic studies at the Queen’s University of Belfast. His main field of research is the Pentateuch, about which he has written extensively in academic journals and books. Alexander also has a special interest in the relationship between the Old and New Testaments. He is the author of From Paradise to the Promised Land: An Introduction to the Main Themes of the Pentateuch and Abraham in the Negev, and he is a coeditor (with Brian S. Rosner) of the New Dictionary of Biblical Theology (IVP, 2000), available from Logos.

A Theological Introduction to the Pentateuch: Interpreting the Torah as Christian Scripture

  • Editors: Richard S. Briggs and Joel N. Lohr
  • Publisher: Baker Academic
  • Publication Date: 2012
  • Pages: 224

Sample Pages: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7

In this concise volume, a team of fresh Old Testament voices explores the theological dimensions of the Pentateuch and provides specific examples of critically engaged theological interpretation. This Pentateuch text is unique in that it emphasizes theological reading, serving as an affordable supplement to traditional introductory Pentateuch texts. Each chapter introduces theological themes and interpretative issues in interpretation then offers exegesis of one or two representative passages to model theological interpretation in practice. This useful text will be valued by students of the Old Testament and the Pentateuch as well as pastors. It honors Walter Moberly, whose approach is played out in the book.

Briggs and Lohr, along with their cowriters, have exploited the inheritance of their teacher Walter Moberly to engage with the best of historical-critical and literary approaches to each book of the Pentateuch. Both for the general landscape of theological perspectives on each book and for the exemplary exploration of a specific text (or two) in each book, this volume provides an essential introduction to the field of theological interpretation at the beginning of the Bible.

Richard S. Hess, Earl S. Kalland Professor of Old Testament and Semitic Languages, Denver Seminary

It is extraordinary how theological interpretation has become a growth industry and has almost become a respectable enterprise—and certainly now a confident one. This is an urbane introduction to its nature, a suggestive theological introduction to each of the books of the Pentateuch. It matches the urbane elegance of Walter Moberly, who inspired it among colleagues and former students. Like Moberly’s work, A Theological Introduction to the Pentateuch takes up big theological issues but anchors them in careful, detailed studies of particular passages. It thus illuminates on the macro scale and on the micro scale.

John Goldingay, David Allan Hubbard Professor of Old Testament, Fuller Theological Seminary

A Theological Introduction to the Pentateuch is a well-proportioned and substantive introduction to the first five books of the Bible with hermeneutical guidance in the form of sample interpretation of key texts for each book. The book is nicely designed and executed—a valuable text for the classroom. It serves as an excellent tribute to Walter Moberly and his own exegetical work. Well done!

Christopher R. Seitz, research professor of biblical interpretation, Wycliffe College, University of Toronto

Few portions of Scripture seem to yield such an unending discovery of riches and resources to scholar and layperson alike as do the five books of the Pentateuch. The essays in this volume add richly and discerningly to those discoveries. Happily, each writer moves beyond the necessary historical and literary questions in order to engage the text theologically. I highly recommend this volume of collected essays to any reader who is interested in pursuing theological interpretation of the biblical text.

Victor P. Hamilton, professor emeritus of Old Testament studies, Asbury University

A penetrating primer on what it means to read the Pentateuch well as 'theologically interested interpreters'--and a lovely tribute to the probing insight and pedagogical skill of Walter Moberly by some of his former students and close associates. The authors offer full coverage of all five pentateuchal books along with sustained engagements of several key texts. The volume concludes with an appendix detailing the cumulative scope of Moberly's distinctive contributions to pentateuchal study.

—Stephen B. Chapman, associate professor of Old Testament, Duke University

Richard S. Briggs is the director of biblical studies and hermeneutics at Cranmer Hall, St. John’s College, Durham University. He is the author of Words in Action: Speech Act Theory and Biblical Interpretation and Reading the Bible Wisely.

Joel N. Lohr is university chaplain and director of religious life at the University of the Pacific.

Mothers of Promise

  • Author: Tammi J. Schneider
  • Publisher: Baker Academic
  • Publication Date: 2008
  • Pages: 240

Sample Pages: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7

Genesis’ women played a vital part in shaping Israel’s foundation, growth, and development, but most exegetes have not given them adequate attention—until now. Through a fresh close reading, respected Hebrew scholar Tammi Schneider examines the roles and functions of these women who, with the men, form the basis for the future of Israel.

Schneider looks at each woman’s story from various angles and within the context of her relationships Genesis’ messageas a whole. Allowing the details of the text to challenge traditional readings, Schneider also includes ancient Near Eastern background material and archaeological insights for a fresh reading of familiar stories. Sections cover the matriarchs (from Sarah to Rachel), mothers of potential heirs (including those who threaten the promise), mothers before the promise, and women who do not bear children but still play a role. Women not often discussed, such as the wives of Lamech and Esau, are included. The result is a creative and reliable discussion to supplement studies of Genesis and of the roles and importance of women in the Bible.

Schneider’s extensive study of the women in Genesis revitalizes and enhances the current understanding of these women and the book of Genesis as a whole. . . . It has the potential to be used as a textbook for a variety of courses, yet it is thorough, well-documented, and deals with the original language of the text and thus is a good resource for further scholarly research.

Review of Biblical Literature

With remarkable clarity, precise detail, lucid thought, comprehensive research, and careful attention to text and translation, Tammi Schneider offers scholars and students a marvelous and intriguing volume that brings to life the women of Genesis. This beautifully crafted text raises new questions and presents new insights, especially with regard to the male characters in Genesis. Schneider’s work makes a brilliant contribution to the field of biblical and gender studies.

—Carol J. Dempsey, associate professor of theology, University of Portland

You might be tempted to think that over the past couple of decades everything that could be said about the women in Genesis has been said. Tammi Schneider shows that this is not so, bringing a whole new set of questions and making it possible for us to see some quite new things.

John Goldingay, David Allan Hubbard Professor of Old Testament, Fuller Theological Seminary

Tammi Schneider has marshaled impressive amounts of raw data to re-examine two dozen female characters in the book of Genesis. Using an innovative method that focuses primary attention on the precise wording of each woman’s appearance(s) in Genesis, Schneider investigates each character with both passion and rigor. Readers who have grown too complacent in their putative understandings of these literary figures will find fresh breezes rustling every page of this study.

—R. Christopher Heard, associate professor of religion, Pepperdine University

Many interpreters of the book of Genesis, conscious of the male preference obvious within the stories, argue that the women portrayed there serve men’s goals. This position might describe the way many stories seem to unfold but it ignores the fact that Genesis, indeed the entire Bible, really highlights God’s goals. Schneider’s reading of several biblical stories shows how God works through women to accomplish these ends. . . . [Her] approach brings the women alive in new and exciting ways. The book is meant for readers who have some basic knowledge of biblical analysis. It will also make a fine contribution to the area of gender studies.

Bible Today

[Schneider] complements familiar observations on women’s roles in Genesis with several new insights. Notably she challenges the utility of the category ‘matriarchs,’ rephrasing questions of inheritance rights, attending to the nuances of the Hebrew, and adducing possible connections between biblical narrative and ancient Near Eastern legal custom. . . . Schneider’s ‘new method’ of ‘verbing the character’. . . yield[s] intriguing readings concerning women’s generally positive relationships to each other and to Israel’s Deity, as well as their surprisingly negative relationships to their husbands and fathers. This volume will be especially useful for church and synagogue adult education programs. . . . Recommended. General readers; upper-level undergraduates and above.


Schneider’s extensive study of the women in Genesis revitalizes and enhances the current understanding of these women and the book of Genesis as a whole. This work serves to demonstrate how inadequate the term ‘Patriarchal History’ is to describe these texts and revolutionizes the way this biblical book should be read. . . . [Schneider] has presented a very convincing and complete portrait of the women in Genesis. This book provides several services to the academic community. It has the potential to be used as a textbook for a variety of courses, yet it is thorough, well-documented, and deals with the original language of the text and thus is a good resource for further scholarly research.


Tammi J. Schneider is a professor of religion at Claremont Graduate University in Claremont, California. She is the author of Sarah: Mother of Nations and a commentary on Judges in the Berit Olam series.

Holiness to the Lord: A Guide to the Exposition of the Book of Leviticus

  • Author: Allen P. Ross
  • Publisher: Baker Academic
  • Publication Date: 2002
  • Pages: 496

Sample Pages: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7

In Holiness to the Lord, Allen P. Ross has shouldered the often daunting task of gleaning from the book of Leviticus more than just messages on tithing or sabbath-keeping. Many expositors miss the wealth of information on the early Hebrew system of religion which this important book of scripture represents. This formidable text has been made manageable for both scholars and laymen, enabling preachers and teachers to mine the riches of Leviticus and make them available to a contemporary audience. Ross carefully positions Leviticus within its ancient context, and then traces the development of God’s plan of salvation—how the laws, rituals, symbols, and events in Leviticus prepared for a complete revelation as depicted in later scripture. The author also presents helpful ideas for connecting Leviticus to other scriptural wisdom and for applying the material in relevant expository form.

This thoughtfully written work is a valuable guide for expositors interpreting the Law for the church and for elucidating Leviticus in practical, biblical messages about worship, sanctification, and obedience. More than a discussion of sabbath regulations, Ross’ astute work steers a course through ancient Israel’s maze of religious laws, reveals it as one of the theological foundations for Christ’s gospel, and correlates it to New Testament teachings (especially Romans, Hebrews, and Peter). The book of Leviticus speaks for itself thanks to an effective blend of theological commentary and exegetical direction by Dr. Ross, thus meeting the needs of scholars as well as expositors.

This is a wonderful introduction to the book of Leviticus. Ross’ writing is exceptionally clear, and his expositions are exceptionally useful, especially given the difficulty of his subject matter. I fervently hope that this book will motivate many people to explore the riches of Leviticus who otherwise wouldn’t. It will enrich their lives immeasurably if they do.

David M. Howard Jr., professor of Old Testament, Bethel Theological Seminary, St. Paul

This is one of those rare commentaries that provides meaningful attention to the needs of both scholars and expositors. Exegetes will find exacting discussion of the ancient Near Eastern ritual context, theologians will find a consistent methodology as Ross moves from Old Testament theology to New Testament theology, and expositors will find sure guidance for challenging congregations with the text’s mandate for holy living. This commentary follows the steps of interpretation as I tell my students it ought to be done. I am delighted to have this tool to put into their hands.

John H. Walton, professor of Old Testament, Wheaton College

Holiness to the Lord provides the Christian reader clear and sure guidance through the perplexing maze of Israel’s ancient laws. Ross’ expertise in the original cultural setting, his text-driven biblical theology, and his perceptive applications to the Christian experience resolve the ambivalence that Christians often feel toward the Old Testament law. After reading this volume, every Christian leader will yearn to teach and preach the transforming message of the book of Leviticus.

—Kenneth Matthews, professor of divinity, Beeson Divinity School

Building on the approach he adopted in his earlier work on Genesis, Ross skillfully enables the Christian reader to discover something of the rich theological heritage underlying the book of Leviticus. While avoiding the detailed technical discussion found in some commentaries, Ross offers an exposition of Leviticus that many, especially preachers, will find illuminating and helpful.

T. Desmond Alexander, director of Christian training, Union Theological College, Belfast

In a clear, straightforward, easy-to-grasp style, Allen Ross illuminates the theological message of Leviticus, the keystone of the Pentateuch, skillfully unfolding the numerous connections between Leviticus and the New Testament. For students, pastors, and teachers, this volume is a treasury for understanding God’s provision for forgiveness, the call to living a holy life, and the joy of worshiping the holy God. This volume inspires believers to pursue a holy life that is pleasing to God.

John Hartley, distinguished professor of Old Testament, Azusa Pacific University

With the same thoroughness and practical emphasis that he exhibited in an earlier volume on Genesis, Ross now provides this helpful guide for the exposition of Leviticus. Although this is not a detailed commentary, pastors and teachers will find it a wonderfully thorough tool for Bible study and preaching. An oft-ignored book of the Old Testament can come alive and once more serve as a window into the heart of God and a valuable light on our pilgrimage of faith.

M. Daniel Carroll R., professor of Old Testament, Denver Seminary

Appreciative readers of Creation and Blessing will find more of the same here, as Ross provides just enough exegetical guidance, structural sensitivity, and theological commentary to let the text speak for itself. I found this careful steering between the Scylla of an overly christological reading of Leviticus and the Charybdis that finds contemporary applications negligible to be both refreshing and enlightening.

Mark A. Throntveit, professor of Hebrew and Old Testament, Luther Seminary

Ross offers the busy pastor or Bible study leader an exceptionally well-informed, theologically rich, and eminently practical guide to the book of Leviticus. Holiness to the Lord is packed with lucid explanations of the book’s major themes and concepts, distillations of the best of recent scholarship, useful outlines, intriguing insights, and practical applications that will engage mind and heart. Here is an ideal tool for those who want to preach and teach Leviticus in a manner that is faithful to its original context, alert to its New Testament fulfillment, and relevant to contemporary life.

—Gordon P. Hugenberger, senior minister, Park Street Church, Boston

Allen P. Ross is professor of divinity at Beeson Divinity School, Stamford University, Birmingham, Alabama. His articles have appeared in Biblical Viewpoint, Bibliotheca Sacra, and Kindred Spirit, and he has contributed to the The Bible Knowledge Commentary, the Christian Life Bible, and the Biblical Hebrew Handbook. His translating and editing skills were also put to use in the Topical Reference Bible project and The New King James Version of the Bible. The author of Creation and Blessing, Ross taught at the Graduate School of Bob Jones University between 1969 and 1971 after which he began teaching at Dallas Theological Seminary. He earned his BA from Bob Jones University, then studied at Winona Lake School of Theology. He earned his ThM and ThD from Dallas Theological Seminary, and his PhD from St. Johns College of Cambridge University.

Creation and Blessing: A Guide to the Study and Exposition of Genesis

  • Author: Allen P. Ross
  • Publisher: Baker
  • Publication Date: 1996
  • Pages: 744

According to the author, his purpose is to “help the reader appreciate the major literary and theological motifs that form the theological ideas in the narratives, and to demonstrate how these theological ideas can be developed into clear and accurate expository ideas.” To accomplish this goal, Ross introduces four approaches to the study of Genesis—literary-analytical, form-critical, traditio-historical, and rhetorical-critical—which he utilizes to expound on the theological ideas manifest in this first book of the Bible.

Ross divides his exposition of Genesis into four basic narratives—The Primeval Events (chapters 1–11); The Patriarchal Narratives about Abraham (chapters 11–25); The Patriarchal Narratives about the Descendants of Abraham (chapters 25–36); and The Story of Joseph (chapters 37–50). Within these narratives are more than 60 chapters where Ross discusses different theological ideas, explaining their structure and synthesizes their message. Included in the text are exegetical and expository outlines, four appendices and a bibliography listing commentaries and monographs on Genesis.

Allen P. Ross has written an excellent study guide to Genesis. His prodigious book, which he refrains from calling a commentary, contains fine scholarship and an excellent survey of previous work on this first book of the Bible. His writing is so interesting that the book became for me more than a source; it became bedside reading material. Creation and Blessing is an essential reference work for those interested in the Pentateuch and biblical narrative. . . . Ross aims this detailed and lengthy study of Genesis at pastors, teachers and seminary students who seek to develop an understanding of Genesis and narrative literature in general. He succeeds admirably. . . . For those preaching and writing on Genesis, and for those who love the book as great theology and literature, Ross’ work is essential.

R.G. Branch, Old Testament Essays

. . . the quality of Creation and Blessing seems to require superlatives. . . . It models the kind of writing that those who teach must give to those who preach to facilitate accurate and rich exposition. Indeed, reading the book is an excellent course in studying and expounding narrative literature.

—Van Campbell, Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society

Allen P. Ross is professor of divinity at Beeson Divinity School, Stamford University, Birmingham, Alabama. His articles have appeared in Biblical Viewpoint, Bibliotheca Sacra, and Kindred Spirit, and he has contributed to the The Bible Knowledge Commentary, the Christian Life Bible, and the Biblical Hebrew Handbook. His translating and editing skills were also put to use in the Topical Reference Bible project and The New King James Version of the Bible. The author of Creation and Blessing, Ross taught at the Graduate School of Bob Jones University between 1969 and 1971 after which he began teaching at Dallas Theological Seminary. He earned his BA from Bob Jones University, then studied at Winona Lake School of Theology. He earned his ThM and ThD from Dallas Theological Seminary, and his PhD from St. Johns College of Cambridge University.

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