Digital Logos Edition
The Perfect Commentary for Teachers and Preachers! This outstanding commentary series just got better; now complete with sermon and teaching outline. General editor Lloyd J. Ogilvie brings together a team of skilled and exceptional communicators, blending sound scholarship with life-related illustrations and useful outlines for teaching and preaching.
Also available as part of The Preacher's Commentary
“‘I had read about God and Jesus Christ participating in the human experience, participating in suffering, knowing rejection, knowing aloneness and pain and fear, knowing anger, even anger at God. I had read it, but it had never been a revelation. Until now.’” (Page 290)
“1. The power of His Resurrection. Paul is talking about now. To know Christ is to have His Resurrection power now” (Page 288)
“He did empty Himself, though, of the glories of heaven, of the prerogatives of being divine; He emptied Himself of rank, privilege, and rights. The Lord became a servant.” (Page 278)
“the working of God’s mighty power is still the theme.” (Page 165)
“The imagery here is that truth holds together all other virtues and makes them effectual.” (Page 237)
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Roger L. Kriegshauser
Dennis Davis