Digital Logos Edition
How absolutely vital it is for Christians to understand and to experience the prayer of Paul: “The God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give unto you a spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of him” (Eph. 1.17). It means life or death to our Christian life. There is no way of knowing God and His eternal will except through revelation. Neither is there any means of knowing Christ other than by the revelation of the Holy Spirit. Revelation alone imparts to us spiritual realities.
In this new volume now available in English, Watchman Nee opens up this subject of the spirit of wisdom and revelation by explaining Paul’s famous prayer which he offered up on behalf of the Ephesian believers. How necessary it is, the author points out, for us to have the spirit of wisdom and revelation if we are to know God at all. He then proceeds to enlighten us as to some of the spiritual realities which must indeed come through revelation, such as Christ the Rock of the church, Christ the great “I Am,” the Christ in glory, together with the four ministers of the New Testament. The author concludes by exhorting the church to work with God in bringing in the kingdom of the heavens. As we are approaching the end of this age, we will come to see that those things which are to be shaken shall be removed and only those things which are not to be shaken shall remain. May we therefore seek for things unshakable which come through the spirit of wisdom and revelation.
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