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Products>La doctrina de Dios

La doctrina de Dios

Digital Logos Edition

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Dios no se ha revelado en esencia, pero se ha dado a conocer en las tres Personas de la trinidad –Padre, Hijo y Espíritu Santo-. Siguiendo el camino iniciado por los Reformadores protestantes, se afirma que conocer a una de las tres Personas es conocer también a las otras dos. La Iglesia, tras un período de incertidumbre, se ratificó en la confesión de un solo Dios presente en tres Personas divinas.

Gerald Bray alza su voz a favor de la recuperación de la teología sistemática como núcleo básico de nuestro estudio y reflexión como iglesia; al tiempo que hace un llamamiento para la elaboración de una nueva confesión que, manteniéndose fiel al contenido de la ortodoxia histórica, sea capaz de dar respuestas creativas a los retos que plantea la plural sociedad contemporánea y a las necesidades de nuestro tiempo.

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Gerald L. Bray

Dr. Gerald Bray is Research Professor of Divinity at Beeson Divinity School in Birmingham, AL, and Distinguished Professor of Theology at Knox Theological Seminary, Fort Lauderdale, FL.

He was born and raised in Montreal, Canada, where he did his undergraduate work at McGill University. He completed his doctoral studies at the Sorbonne in Paris and went on to study theology in Cambridge. In 1978 he was ordained in the Church of England and served a parish in London for two years before going on to teach at Oak Hill College in London. He has been at Beeson since 1993.

Dr. Bray is the editor of the Anglican journal Churchman and has published a number of books, including the award-winning Biblical Interpretation: Past and Present (InterVarsity Press, 1996), Yours Is the Kingdom: A Systematic Theology of the Lord's Prayer(InterVarsity Press, 2007), God Is Love (Crossway, 2012), and his most recent work, God Has Spoken: A History of Christian Theology (Crossway, 2014).

Dr. Bray speaks several languages fluently. He has lived in Germany, Greece, and Russia, and he has taught in several European countries and Australia. He can often be found in one of the archives of the Church of England, researching parts of its history, on which he has also published a number of important works. He is also an avid swimmer and cyclist.


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