Digital Logos Edition
Commissioned by Pope Damasus I and prepared c. AD 383–405, Jerome’s Vulgate rapidly became the standard version of the Bible in the West and remained so for centuries. The Clementine Vulgate is the official edition of the Latin Vulgate, corrected and standardized following the Council of Trent and promulgated in 1592 by Pope Clement VIII.
With this handy bundle you can bring reverse interlinear functionality to your study of the whole Vulgate Latin Bible and read both New and Old Testaments in light of the original languages. See how the Vulgate renders comparable Greek and Hebrew terms into Latin and establishes links between New- and Old-Testament concepts such as ‘grace,’ ‘justification,’ and ‘love.’
Complete morphological analysis of each Latin, Greek, and Hebrew word enables flexible searches that unlock the vocabulary and semantic range of the Latin translation as well as its Greek and Hebrew sources. Read the Scriptures as you have never read them before—look over Jerome’s shoulder and explore the correspondence between his monumental Latin translation and the original languages of the New and Old Testaments.
Visit the Clementine Vulgate Text Project to find out more about the creation of this text.
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