Digital Logos Edition
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Jesse Lyman Hurlbut was a prominent leader in the late-nineteenth- to early-twentieth-century Sunday school movement. Through his works, he educated youth and equipped teachers with sound, biblical Sunday school lessons. Hurlbut’s volumes focus on presenting Bible and history stories simply yet accurately. They are meant to inspire both young and old to renew their interest in Scripture reading and study. His other works provide Sunday school teachers with lesson-plan materials and include information on Sunday school’s history, organization, and management.
With the Logos Bible Software edition of the Jesse Lyman Hurlbut Collection, you’ll get instant access to Hurlbut’s discoveries and insights. Key concepts and ideas integrate with your digital encyclopedias, dictionaries, commentaries, and interactive maps, making this collection powerful and easy to access—a rich guide for studying Scripture.
Jesse Lyman Hurlbut (1843–1930) was a Methodist Episcopal clergyman. He graduated from Wesleyan University in 1864 and served as a pastor in several New Jersey cities, including Newark, Paterson, and Hoboken. From 1909 to 1914, Hurlbut was superintendent of Newark District.