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Products>Zondervan John H. Walton Collection (11 vols.)

Zondervan John H. Walton Collection (11 vols.)

Digital Logos Edition

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Collection value: $505.89
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John H. Walton is professor of Old Testament at Wheaton College. This collection of eleven works focuses on the Old Testament, bridging the gap between ancient cultures and contemporary faith, making it an invaluable resource for students and pastors. Featuring commentaries, surveys, and Bible companions, this collection offers readers an enriching journey into the ancient world and its relevance to understanding the Bible.

This includes the newest volume A Survey of the Old Testament, 4th ed.. Both the new volume and this collection are scheduled to ship in December 2023.

  • Analysis into the literature of the ancient Near East will open your eyes to new depths of understanding both familiar and unfamiliar passages
  • Addresses background information, purpose, message, structure, and major themes of the Old Testament
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    Collection value: $505.89
    Save $98.90 (19%)
    Starting at $35.06/mo at checkout