Digital Logos Edition
This classic work by John Bunyan is known as the greatest allegory in the English language. It describes the journey of "Pilgrim" as he travels through life struggling onward through trials and temptations to reach the celestial city and keep to the path which is the narrow road. A classic allegorical tale which is enjoyable to read and teaches about the life of a man on the way to his reward.
“He who thinks that happiness, or holiness, or true honour, is to be measured by temporal grandeur, makes a false estimate, and knows little of the ways of God.” (Volume 3, Page 3)
“If you will go with us, you must go against wind and tide;164 the which, I perceive, is against your opinion; you must also own religion in his rags, as well as when in his silver slippers; and stand by him, too, when bound in irons, as well as when he walketh the streets with applause.” (Volume 3, Page 133)
“And he bid me say to this effect, God be merciful to me a sinner, and make me to know and believe in Jesus Christ; for I see, that if His righteousness had not been, or I have not faith in that righteousness, I am utterly cast away.278 Lord, I have heard that Thou art a merciful God, and hast ordained that Thy Son Jesus Christ should be the Saviour of the world; and moreover, that thou art willing to bestow Him upon such a poor sinner as I am (and I am a sinner indeed), Lord, take therefore this opportunity, and magnify Thy grace in the salvation of my soul, through Thy Son Jesus Christ. Amen.” (Volume 3, Page 155)
“It is the descent whither the scum and filth that attends conviction for sin, doth continually run, and therefore it is called the Slough of Despond: for still, as the sinner is awakened about his lost condition, there ariseth in his soul many fears, and doubts, and discouraging apprehensions, which all of them get together, and settle in this place. And this is the reason of the badness of this ground.” (Volume 3, Page 92)
“Then they give way to carnal and wanton discourses in secret; and glad are they if they can see such things in any that are counted honest, that they may the more boldly do it through their example.” (Volume 3, Page 161)