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Products>Mission in Praise, Word, and Deed: Reflections on the Past and Future of Global Mission

Mission in Praise, Word, and Deed: Reflections on the Past and Future of Global Mission


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Listening to the Voices of Global Practitioners 

In Christian mission, we cross boundaries between the people of God and the not-yet people of God, declaring “[God’s] glory among the nations” (Ps 96:3). Mission begins and ends in worship. In mission, we proclaim the death, burial, and resurrection of Christ. We also care for the whole person. Thus, at its core, mission intertwines praise, word, and deed.  

This book represents the latest in missiological thinking. Though some contributors are scholars and even professors, most are field practitioners —evangelists, church planters, Bible translators, medical professionals, refugee workers, and community development specialists. Based on decades of faithful service, they report on what they have learned about mission. Mission in Praise, Word, and Deed addresses a wide range of critical concerns, such as informal theological education, Bible translation, business as mission, trauma care, and working on multicultural teams. 

As we ponder best mission practices, it’s wise to hear from global practitioners—those who have been at it for a long time. This book represents the diversity of the global church. They are men and women from Africa, Asia, Latin America, North America, and Europe who have served or presently serve in places across the world. These contributors share the conviction that the future of missions involves a growing global church and missionary workforce joining hands to complete the Great Commission amid severe opposition and disruption.


Edward L. Smither

Introduction: Trends in the Past and Future of Global Mission

Robert J. Priest

Part One: Mission in Praise 

Chapter 1: The Future of Mission is Local Worship

Robin P. Harris

Chapter 2: Trauma Care and the Arts in Mission

Wendy Atkins

Chapter 3: Prayer and Spiritual Warfare in Global Mission

David Cashin and Victor H. Cuartas

Part Two: Mission in Word—Evangelism

Chapter 4: Evangelism in One Verse

Bill Jones

Chapter 5: Evangelism in a Secular World

Raphael Anzenberger

Chapter 6: Gospel-Centered Relationships with Muslims

Trevor Castor

Chapter 7: Lessons Learned in Sharing Christ with Muslims

Phillip Smith (pseudonym)

Chapter 8: Building God’s Kingdom in Public Universities

Danny McCain

Part Three: Mission in Word—Discipleship and Training

Chapter 9: Experiencing the Adventure of Bible Translation

Ted B. Wingo

Chapter 10: Informal Theological Education: The Case of Shepherds Global Classroom

Timothy Keep

Chapter 11: Critical Shifts: Lessons in Church Planting in Europe

Dietrich Schindler

Chapter 12: Coaching Church Planters in Central Europe, Russia, and Central Asia

Rick Amos

Part Four: Mission in Deed

Chapter 13: Mission as Transformation: Five Critical Elements

Bekele Shanko

Chapter 14: We Cracked the Code: Lessons Learned in Business as Mission

Brent McHugh

Chapter 15: Long-Term Medical Mission in the Middle East

Dae-Young Lee

Chapter 16: Best Practices in Short-Term Medical Mission

Jill McElheny

Chapter 17: Best Practices for Refugee Ministry in the Middle East

Jairo de Oliveira

Part Five: The People of Praise, Word, and Deed in Mission

Chapter 18: Revitalizing the House Church Tradition: A Viable Path for the Churches in China

Zhiqiu Xu

Chapter 19: From South to North: Sub-Saharans in the Mission of God

William A. Brown

Chapter 20: Lessons Learned on Multicultural Teams

Sean Christensen

Chapter 21: Majority World Partnerships in Mission

Ken Katayama

Part Six: Final Reflections

Chapter 22: A Piece in God’s Global Mission Puzzle

Steve Richardson


This stimulating collection of addresses from the 100th anniversary celebration of Columbia International University invites individual believers, missions team leaders, pastors, missions agency strategists, missions workers in all their increasingly infinite variety, theological educators, and all who care about the Great Commission to zoom in on practical insights and best practices in a wide range of regions and specialties within global missions, and to zoom out to overriding questions, concepts, trends and stunning emerging opportunities. It encourages healthy and crucial reflection, re-evaluation, and either re-affirmation or humble and deliberate course correction.

Each reader will emerge better able to answer the concluding challenge from Steve Richardson, “How can I most strategically align my [individual or collective] background, talents, and resources with God’s redemptive plan?” Can there be a more compelling question for those who recognize that the goal of all human history is persons from all tribes, peoples, and languages worshipping the Lamb?  

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Pat Hatch

                                                                                                                                                   Refugee and Immigrant Ministry Director, PCA Mission to North America

This book is a delightful account of the learnings and reflections of several practitioners of mission in our contemporary era. It covers a wide variety of perspectives and provides fresh insights in the reality and practice of mission today. Anyone who desires to glance through the new expressions of mission in an era where mission has multiple centerss of influence all over the world must read this book.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Michel Kenmogne, PhD

                                                                                                                                                                                                        Executive Director, SIL International

This collection of reflections on missions allows you to hear from missionaries who have worked in some of the most fascinating—and often troubled—parts of the world. They have also been engaged in very diverse types of missionary work, from art therapy to medical missions, to Bible translation, to teaching in public universities overseas. But they all share some connection to Columbia International University, which—as this book reveals—is a global leader in missiology. And they all reveal their passion here to see “the nations be glad” in Jesus Christ. The story-telling style of the book is attention-grabbing, yet each author blends narrative with current missiological theory. If you are interested in missions, you will learn from this book, and you will find inspiration from it.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Kenneth Nehrbass, PhD

                                                                                                                                    Associate Professor of Global Studies, Rawlings School of Divinity, Liberty University

As missions continues to shift and regularly faces new challenges, churches and missionaries alike continually seek relevant and timely resources. Mission in Praise, Word, and Deed is that resource for today. By reflecting upon a variety of missions related topics, the contributors in this book offer a distinct look at where missions has been and where it is headed. The rich contextual and ministerial diversity of the contributors brings the world to the reader and encourages us all that God’s work is indeed extending to every region of the world through his multifaceted plans. Through all this, this book expands our perspective on missions and will inspire us all to creatively think on and do missions more effectively during our present time and the time to come. 

                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Michael A. Ortiz, PhD

                                                                                                                                                                VP for Global Ministries and Associate Professor of Missiology 

                                                                                                                                                                         and Intercultural Studies, Dallas Theological Seminary, 

                                                                                                                                        Executive Director, International Council for Evangelical Theological Education

Great legacies do not petrify through the passage of time, rather they transition with integrity. Whether in periods of peace, war, opposition, or disruption, they refuse to compromise values even as they adjust and broaden to new realities with new partners. That’s what you will discover in Mission in Praise, Word, and Deed. With each turn of this jewel, the reader will be reminded of past values being lived out a century later in ever-expanding ministries with those now representing the nations. What a legacy for the next century or until His return.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Tom Steffen, DMiss

                                                                                                                                                                          Professor Emeritus, Intercultural Studies, Biola University

                                                                                                                                                                                              Co-author, The Return of Oral Hermeneutic

Edward L. Smither (PhD, University of Wales; PhD, University of Pretoria) serves as Professor of Intercultural Studies and History of Global Christianity and Dean of the College of Intercultural Studies at Columbia International University. Previously, he served for fourteen years in intercultural ministry in North Africa, France, and the United States. His previous books include Christian Mission: A Concise Global History and Mission in the Way of Daniel. 

Jessica A. Udall (PhD, Columbia International University) is professor of Intercultural Studies at Evangelical Theological College in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, and adjunct professor of Intercultural Studies at Columbia International University. For more information, visit www.jessicaudall.com.


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