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Products>The Power of Repentance: How God Changes Lives

The Power of Repentance: How God Changes Lives


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What is repentance? What does repentance look like? How do I live a life of repentance? This book, The Power of Repentance, addresses these questions, giving clear and insightful instruction regarding God's gift of repentance and its employment in a life that turns from the darkness of sin and self into the light of life in Christ.
This book is perfect for the pastor looking for a gospel-centered treatment on repentance, the serious-minded Christian desiring to live a life more pleasing to God, or the skeptic seeking to discover what the Bible has to say about finding God, or rather, God finding you.

“Three things strike me about Barry Gibson’s work. First, it is refreshingly Christ-centered, full of biblical wisdom and examples throughout church history. Second, Gibson shows that repentance, though vital in beginning the Christian life, characterizes the whole. Finally, Gibson shows how Christians turn from sin and follow Christ through being firmly planted in his church. May all who read this book daily ‘repent . . . that times of refreshing may come from the presence of the Lord’ (Acts 3:19 ESV).”

—Oren R. Martin, senior director of equipping, Watermark Community Church

“Thanks to Barry Gibson’s The Power of Repentance, we have a clear definition, explanation, illustration, and application of the doctrine of repentance in an easy-to-understand format. I especially appreciate his emphasis on not only the personal side of repentance, but how it relates to the Christian community. This book is not just for individual reading, but would also be a blessing to any church where it is studied in a small group setting.”

Donald S, Whitney, professor of biblical spirituality and associate dean, The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary

“‘Inconceivable’ is the oft repeated mantra of Vizzini (The Princess Bride). His misuse of that adjective is challenged by Inigo Montoya who retorts, ‘I don’t think that means what you think it means.’ Likewise, ‘Repent’ is often a misdefined and misapplied command by well-meaning preachers. Barry Gibson meticulously defines, convincingly illustrates, scripturally supports, and practically applies what it means to repent. Read this book!”

—Ed Moore, pastor, North Shore Baptist Church

“In The Power of Repentance, Barry Gibson employs a full arsenal of biblical exegesis, church history, and powerful illustrations and quotes from some of Christendom’s most important thinkers to communicate a robust understanding of biblical repentance rooted in the gospel of grace. Gibson’s writing style is such that this work will well serve both the new believer and the veteran pastor. From here on, I will not preach on repentance without consulting this important work.”

—Brian Payne, senior pastor, Lakeview Baptist Church

“What makes this book so powerful is its ability to pinpoint the essential truths of biblical repentance with convicting clarity and Christlike gentleness. Grounded solidly in the Scriptures and drawing upon the wisest theologians, Barry Gibson helps us see into the inner-workings of the heart-altering turnaround that divinely delivers us from a ‘life that displeased God toward a life that joyfully engages toward a direction that pleases him!’”

—Laurie Aker, executive director, Thistlebend Ministries

Barry J. Gibson was born and raised in Kentucky. He was educated at Union College, University of the Cumberlands, and the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. He has taught in various K-12 schools for nearly twenty years. Gibson, a former pastor, currently serves as associate professor of teacher education at Boyce College in Louisville, Kentucky.


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    Digital list price: $16.00
    Save $6.40 (40%)