Digital Logos Edition
The Doctrinal Theology of the Evangelical Lutheran Church produces a comprehensive look at the complete development of Lutheran theology through the turn of the nineteenth century. Heinrich Schmid draws from 10 Protestant scholastics, compiling a dogmatic volume on old Lutheran theology, citing Melanchthon, Chemnitz, Gerhard, Hutterus, Hafenreffer, Calov, Quenstedt, Baier, Hollaz, and König as Lutheranism’s primary post-Reformation theologians.
Originally titled Die Dogmatik Der Evangelisch-Lutherischen Kirche, this thorough volume represents the Lutheran Church’s mid-nineteenth-century teachings and doctrine. Since its first edition in 1843, this title has enjoyed such popularity that it has received five further editions and revisions, two English translation editions, and numerous reprints, republications, and redistributions.
Logos Bible Software brings you more than you could ever have in print. Bible references appear on mouseover, instantly showing you your preferred Bible translation, and cross-references in your library (linking to Melanchthon or Chemnitz, say) instantly bring you to your source. And searching has never been easier—simply type in your topic or Bible verse and discover everything Schmid and his sources have to say on the matter.
“He cannot be literally defined, i.e., we cannot express in words what God is as to his essence, what he is in himself,” (Page 121)
“‘The doctrinal writers upon whom I have based my representations are, therefore, the following: Melanchthon (Loci Communes Theologici, 1545), Chemnitz (Loci Theologici, ed. Polycarpus Leyser, 1591), Gerhard (Loci Theologici, ed. Cotta, 1762–1781), Hafenreffer (Loci Theologici, Tübingen, 1609), Hutterus (Compendium Theologiæ, 1610), Calovius (Systema Locorum Theologicorum, Vit. 1655–77), König (Theologia Positiva Acroamatica, Rost. 1665, Quenstedt (Theologia Didactico-polemica, Vit. 1685), Baier (Compendium Theologiæ Positivæ, Jen. 1686), and Hollazius (Examen Theologiæ Acroamaticiæ, ed. Teller, 1750).” (Page 11)
“Theology, strictly so-called, must be defined: ‘An eminently practical science, teaching from the revealed Word of God all things which sinful man, who is to be saved, needs, in order to attain true faith in Christ and holiness of life.’” (Page 25)
“The more popular definition of God (definitio Dei nominalis) is: ‘By the term God is understood the first Being, because he is of himself and is the cause of all other things, and because he preserves and governs all things;’ concerning which Holl. remarks (187): ‘All men in the present life discover in themselves that they do not and cannot otherwise conceive of God than as related to created things, as the first Being, because from him is the cause of all other beings, and he preserves and governs all; or as the Being most excellent of all, than whom nothing can be, or be thought of as, better or more perfect.’” (Page 125)
Both as a work of great intrinsic excellence and as a standard representative of the older theology of the Lutheran church, the volume must be one of high value and interest, not only to Lutheran ministers and students, but to the clergy of other denominations.
—M. Valentine, chairman of the faculty of the Theological Seminary, Gettysburg
To direct the attention of the American public. . . to the rich treasures of the old Lutheran theology, and thus to make these generally accessible to the English-speaking portion of the Lutheran Church in America, is an extremely gratifying and thank-worthy undertaking, which is sure to have a blessed effect. For the older theology of our Lutheran Church needs only to be known to be respected, and indeed to be most highly respected.
—Sigismund Fritschel, professor, Theological Seminary of the Evangelical Lutheran German Synod of Iowa
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Daniel Caballero