Digital Logos Edition
Michael Horton’s highly anticipated The Christian Faith represents his magnum opus and will be viewed as one of—if not—the most important systematic theologies since Louis Berkhof wrote his in 1932. A prolific, award-winning author and theologian, Professor Horton views this volume as “doctrine that can be preached, experienced, and lived, as well as understood, clarified, and articulated.” It is written for a growing cast of pilgrims making their way together and will be especially welcomed by professors, pastors, students, and armchair theologians.
Scripture references are linked directly to Greek and Hebrew texts, along with the English Bible translations of your choice. For any word in any language, you can double-click on that word and your digital library will automatically search your lexicons for a match. That gives you unprecedented access to linguistic data, along with all the tools you need for exegesis and interpretation.
“Where most people think that the goal of religion is to get people to become something that they are not, the Scriptures call believers to become more and more what they already are in Christ.” (Page 652)
“In systematic theology, we are drawing together all three of these stages at once: teaching the vocabulary and rules of speech (grammar) of Christianity, investigating its inner consistency and coherence as well as comparing and contrasting it with rival interpretations (logic), so that we can defend our faith in an informed, compelling, and gentle manner (rhetoric) (1 Pe 3:15–16).” (Page 22)
“The opening claim of this systematic theology is that the triune God is the object of theology and that this God is knowable because he has revealed himself to us.” (Page 35)
“One implication is that we cannot rank God’s attributes or make one more essential to God than another. God is love even when he judges; he is holy and righteous even in saving sinners; he is eternal even when he acts in time.” (Page 228)
“Predestination is typically understood in theology to refer to God’s sovereign determination concerning all events, while election and reprobation refer specifically to God’s decree regarding salvation and condemnation.” (Page 311)
In this impressive volume, Michael Horton . . . remits and rethinks the greatness of seventeenth-century Reformed theology and makes it accessible for readers today.
—George Hunsinger, professor of systematic theology, Princeton Theological Seminary
The Christian Faith is a remarkable accomplishment—the most significant single-volume systematic theology to be written in decades! This book is written for the sake of the church, yet it also reflects a fresh engagement with a broad range of biblical and theological scholarship. The Christian Faith is an excellent resource for all who wish to engage classical Christian theology in a Reformed key.
—J. Todd Billings, associate professor, Western Theological Seminary
This is a work of outstanding theological and spiritual cogency and will command wide attention.
—John Webster, chair of systematic theology, King’s College, University of Aberdeen
Michael Horton’s awareness of modern theological and philosophical currents combines with his articulate commitment to historical orthodoxy to make this book one of the most significant voices to be heard in framing a systematic theology for this generation of the Reformed movement.
—Bryan Chapell, distinguished professor of preaching, Knox Theological Seminary
Horton’s Christian Faith has the great merit of never letting the reader forget that doctrine is for disciples who want to walk the way of Jesus Christ. Horton knows that the best systematic theology is a practical theology—one that helps us understand the ways of God, make sense of life, and give direction for God-glorifying living.
—Kevin J. Vanhoozer, professor of theology, Wheaton College and Graduate School
. . . offers a fine, comprehensive companion to a number of recent systematic theologies. Crisply written, scripturally informed throughout, distinctively evangelical and Reformed, conversant with classic as well as contemporary Christian authors—Horton’s study is an outstanding contribution that will richly nourish Christian pilgrims on their way toward the consummation of Christ’s kingdom.
—Cornelis P. Venema, president, Mid-America Reformed Seminary
A crisp, clear, and forceful new theology that is at once biblical and reverent, historical and contemporary, learned but accessible. What a great gift this is to the church!
—David F. Wells, distinguished research professor, Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary
Dr. Horton has produced a remarkable work. His approach to systematic theology is fresh and critically needed in our time. Every pilgrim will profit from this work.
—R. C. Sproul, chairman and president, Ligonier Ministries
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Aaron Sauer
Christian Meyer
Nelson Ernesto Hernandez
Phil Tuften
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Rev Dr Paul Blackham
Rev Chuck Taber
David Ashley