Digital Logos Edition
Today's search for inner fulfillment has exploded into what is now called the Recovery movement, complete with twelve-step seminars, counseling programs, and self-help books. Thousands are looking to Christian psychology to help them attain victory over modern dysfunctions.
Does that mean the Bible alone is no longer adequate for the problems faced by Christians today?
Some say we need the Bible plus psychology.
Others say the Bible alone is sufficient.
With deep insight and candor, pastoral counselor Ed Bulkley presents the opposing sides of this issue—and offers trustworthy, biblical answers for those who long to break away from pain and guilt and know true freedom...genuine inner peace...and a fresh beginning.
The pressures to find the solutions to human hurt and suffering have never been greater. Clear answers are urgently needed for the hurting—today.
“Simply stated, science is the systematically arranged knowledge of the material world which has been gathered in a four-step process: 1) observation of phenomena; 2) collection of data; 3) creation of a hypothesis or theory by inductive reasoning; and 4) testing of the hypothesis by repeated observation and controlled experiments.” (Pages 49–50)
“Biblical rebuke gets down below the surface error to discover the real cause of sinful attitudes and behaviors. Almost without fail, the immediate cause of sin is wrong belief, wrong thinking patterns, selfishness, or some combination of the three.” (Page 317)
“Life is so puzzling and mystifying and obscure that giving something a name seems to give it clarity and power.’1 As Fingarette and others observe, however, psycholabels communicate two extremely serious and mistaken concepts: 1) the belief that anything short of perpetual happiness is a medical ailment that needs professional treatment, and 2) that since these disorders are actual illnesses, the individual bears no responsibility for their existence or solution.” (Page 108)
“If one accepts the logical conclusions of psychology, sin must be reduced to medical dysfunctions and a person can no longer be held responsible for his behavior, his ethical conduct, his thought life, or his morality. Since man is ill rather than disobedient to God, he does not need salvation, but improved self-esteem.” (Page 203)
“Research has confirmed what common sense knew all along: that most personal problems can be solved merely by talking with someone and by taking personal action.” (Pages 57–58)
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Stephen Matthew Friend
Marcos R Ferreira