Digital Logos Edition
The second edition of this theologian’s companion seeks to bring the original dictionary up to date by supplementing it with pertinent ideas and persons from the past 15 years. The emphasis remains, though, upon the historical figures and movements of the first 19 centuries of the Christian era. The clear, succinct definitions of this must-have resource provide every student of theology—whether a beginner or seasoned learner—with the groundwork they’ll need in their quest for understanding.
The Concise Dictionary of Christian Theology is a useful companion for any student of theology. Asking questions about theological matters is a very good thing. Getting to know the correct answers to those questions is even better. It was with this goal in mind that Millard J. Erickson wrote The Concise Dictionary of Christian Theology. Each theological topic is allotted one paragraph, which gives the meaning of the word and often includes where that specific word, concept, or person can be found in scripture. This resource also features basic information on influential theologians.
“Preterist view An interpretation of eschatology and particularly the book of Revelation that holds that the events referred to had already taken place or were taking place at the time of writing.” (Page 160)
“The decision of God in choosing who will be saved and who will be lost. Single predestination is the teaching that God designates only those who will be saved; double predestination is the teaching that he chooses both classes. According to Arminianism, God foresees the faith of those who will believe and then elects them. According to Calvinism, the faith of the believer results from rather than causes God’s choice.” (Page 159)
“Election God’s decision in choosing a special group or certain persons for salvation or service. The term is used especially of the predestination of the individual recipients of salvation.” (Page 56)
“Evolution, Theistic The view that God began the creation with a de novo act and then worked from within the process of evolution to produce the desired results. He has intervened within the process to modify what was emerging, but has never again created de novo. In particular, he created the human’s spiritual nature (or soul) directly and then infused it into a previously existent physical form.” (Page 62)
“Expiation The cancellation of sin. Expiation contrasts with propitiation, which is the appeasing of divine wrath.” (Page 63)
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