Digital Logos Edition
In a day when the authority of Scripture has been questioned by many both outside and inside the church, these essays are presented by Herman Ridderbos to help concerned and interested students and laypeople to understand some of the issues involved. He discusses in a candid and lucid style the much-disputed topics of the doctrine of Scripture, the person of Christ, the Kingdom of God, and the last things. Throughout these essays Ridderbos is mindful of the authority which the Bible must bear within the Christian context, while at the same time he recognizes the contributions of a scientific study of Scripture.
As an active churchman, Ridderbos is aware that these issues can be unsettling and disturbing to the church. His aim in these essays is to develop a course of moderation which enable traditional theology to be made relevant to the topics of debate in the church today.
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“abiding and trustworthy word of God has thus entered into the spoken and written word of the apostles” (Page 22)
“The purpose and the nature of Scripture lie thus in that qualified sort of teaching and instruction which is able to make us wise to salvation, which gives God’s people this ‘completeness’ and equips them for every good work.” (Page 23)
“But ‘Scripture’ and ‘God’ lay so close together in the minds of the writers of the New Testament that they could naturally speak of ‘Scripture’ doing what Scripture records God as doing’ (B. B. Warfield).” (Pages 20–21)
“heard and seen by those who were from the beginning eyewitnesses and ministers of the word” (Page 22)
“What ‘the Scripture says’ and what ‘God says’ is the same thing.” (Page 20)
The strength of these studies is that they do not theorize or dogmatize, but relate the authority of Scripture to its intention and message, and express the insights of an experienced and able exegete.
—F. F. Bruce, Rylands Professor of Biblical Criticism and Exegesis, University of Manchester