Digital Logos Edition
The Dictionary of Classical Hebrew is a completely new and innovative dictionary. Unlike previous dictionaries, which have been dictionaries of biblical Hebrew, it is the first dictionary of the classical Hebrew language to cover not only the biblical texts but also Ben Sira, the Dead Sea Scrolls, and the Hebrew inscriptions. This dictionary covers the period from the earliest times to 200 CE. It lists and analyses every occurrence of each Hebrew word that occurs in texts of that period, with an English translation of every Hebrew word and phrase cited.
This resource is no longer available. Check out the updated collection Dictionary of Classical Hebrew | DCH (9 vols.).
Among its special features:
“This Dictionary marks an important departure from the tradition of Hebrew lexicography, and” (Volume 1, Page 7)
“user a greater control over the material than previous dictionaries” (Volume 1, Page 7)
“easily imagine what writing an article for a learned journal on” (Volume 1, Page 7)
“writing a Hebrew dictionary is very much like that, repeated thousands of times” (Volume 1, Page 7)
“preparation of a Hebrew dictionary involves research” (Volume 1, Page 7)
The praise of BDB in 1892 may be repeated for this new dictionary. It is indeed ‘a landmark and a glory for the generation which produced [it].’
—C. S. Rodd, editor, Expository Times
Sheffield is to be congratulated on a remarkable achievement. Volume one proves beyond doubt that The Dictionary of Classical Hebrew is going to combine the strengths of the Gesenius-BDB tradition—thoroughness, comprehensiveness, meticulous ‘old-fashioned’ textual scholarship—with impeccable twentieth-century linguistic theory.
—J. F. A. Sawyer, Society for Old Testament Study Book List
If there is anything sensational about the contemporary study of ancient Hebrew, then one must say: It is in book form, and the book is called the Sheffield Dictionary of Classical Hebrew. Absolutely indispensable!
—Bernhard Lang, editor, Internationale Zeitschrift für Bibelwissenschaft und Grenzgebiete
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Volume one of The Dictionary of Classical Hebrew covers Aleph.
Volume two of The Dictionary of Classical Hebrew covers Beth–Waw.
Volume three of The Dictionary of Classical Hebrew covers Zayin–Teth.
Volume four of The Dictionary of Classical Hebrew covers Yodh–Lamedh.
Volume five of The Dictionary of Classical Hebrew covers Mem–Nun.
Volume six of The Dictionary of Classical Hebrew covers Samekh–Pe.
Volume seven of The Dictionary of Classical Hebrew covers Sade–Resh.
Volume eight of The Dictionary of Classical Hebrew covers Sin–Taw.
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