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Products>Foundations of the Christian Faith

Foundations of the Christian Faith

, 1986
ISBN: 9780877849919

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In one systematic volume, James Boice provides a readable overview of Christian theology. Whether teacher or student, pastor or layperson, Foundations of the Christian Faith will provide a rich source of Scriptural knowledge, covering all the major doctrines of Christianity. Boice maintains a remarkable practicality and thoroughness that have made this a standard reference and text for over two decades.

With scholarly rigor and a pastor's heart, Boice carefully opens the topics of the nature of God, the character of his natural and special revelation, the fall, and the person and the work of Christ. He then goes on to consider the work of the Holy Spirit in justification and sanctification. The book closes with careful discussion of ecclesiology and eschatology.

It is imperative for modern Christians to develop a greater understanding of the Bible and God. As Boice states in the first chapter, "We do not have a strong church today, nor do we have many strong Christians. We can trace it to an acute lack of sound spiritual knowledge. Why is the Church weak? Why are individual Christians weak? It is because they have allowed their minds to be conformed to the 'spirit of this age,' with its mechanistic, godless thinking… A weak God produces no strong men, nor does he deserve to be worshiped. A strong God, the God of the Bible, is a source of strength to those who know Him… So let us learn about God and come to know God in the fullest, biblical sense… This is true wisdom for everyone. It is the special duty and privilege of the Christian."

Resource Experts
  • Part 1: The Knowledge of God
  • Part 2: The Word of God
  • Part 3: The Attributes of God
  • Part 4: God's Creation
  • Part 1: The Fall of the Race
  • Part 2: Law and Grace
  • Part 3: The Person of Christ
  • Part 4: The Work of Christ
  • Part 1: The Spirit of God
  • Part 2: How God Saves Sinners
  • Part 3: The Life of a Christian
  • Part 4: The Work of God
  • Part 1: Time and History
  • Part 2: The Church of God
  • Part 3: A Tale of Two Cities
  • Part 4: The End of History

Top Highlights

“Jesus taught him that true knowledge begins with spiritual knowledge, knowledge of God, and that this is to be found in God’s revelation of himself in the Bible and in Jesus’ own life and work, the work of the Savior.” (Pages 18–19)

“Paul is not wrong. Men and women do suppress truth. But their reason for doing so is that they do not like the truth about God. They do not like the God to which the truth leads them.” (Page 32)

“The wrath of God is revealed from heaven against human beings, not because they have simply and perhaps carelessly overlooked the truth, but rather because they have deliberately and wickedly repressed whatever, deep in their hearts, they know about God.” (Page 32)

“The God of the Bible is not weak; he is strong. He is all-mighty. Nothing happens without his permission or apart from his purposes—even evil. Nothing disturbs or puzzles him. His purposes are always accomplished. Therefore, those who know him rightly act with boldness, assured that God is with them to accomplish his own desirable purposes in their lives.” (Page 26)

“Unfortunately for Nicodemus, Jesus replied that such an approach to knowledge was wrong and that Nicodemus could therefore know nothing until he had first experienced an inward, spiritual transformation. ‘You must be born anew,’ Jesus told him (Jn. 3:7).” (Pages 18–19)

Boice has succeeded admirably… Seldom has this reviewer seen such solid biblically-based scholarship.

Review for Religion

Readers will find encouragement and strength from the biblical truths Boice so capably presents… Boice sets a fresh pace of presenting theological concepts in a form that is vital and applicable to life.

Bibliotheca Sacra

Should not be overlooked by pastors who may want to some help in doctrinal preaching.

The Presbyterian Journal

A welcome addition to the Bible student or church library.

Evangelical Beacon

It would be difficult not to be helped by reading this fine material.

Christianity Today

Boice winsomely presents traditional evangelical theology in a manner both biblical and practical.


Both substantive and timely, [this book is] in the vanguard of a new kind of work which an educated laity has long needed and is now demanding… Boice has succeeded in explaining to layreaders the practical value of a biblically grounded theology… the result is a practical and perceptive discussion of doctrine which is meaningful and helpful. It provides an ideal foundation upon which Christians can integrate their faith and their learning.

Journal of Psychology and Theology

Definitely a possibility for the pastor’s shelf, this book is also a good doctrinal reference work.

Mennonite Brethren Herald

Highly recommended.

—Dallas Theological Seminary

No one need ever again feel that the issues of theology are beyond their grasp.

Journal of Psychology and Theology

  • Title: Foundations of the Christian Faith: A Comprehensive and Readable Theology
  • Author: James Montgomery Boice
  • Publisher: InterVarsity Press
  • Publication Date: 1986
  • Pages: 740
James Montgomery Boice

James Montgomery Boice (July 7, 1938–June 15, 2000) was a Reformed theologian and pastor of Tenth Presbyterian Church in Philadelphia from 1968 until his death. He received degrees from Harvard University, Princeton Theological Seminary, University of Basel in Switzerland and Theological Seminary of the Reformed Episcopal Church.

Boice served as senior pastor of Tenth Presbyterian Church in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. He was president and cofounder of the Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals, the parent organization of The Bible Study Hour radio broadcast on which Boice was a speaker for more than 30 years. He also served as chairman of the International Council of Biblical Inerrancy for over ten years.

Boice’s 27-volume Expositional Commentary set reflects his years of experience in the pulpit. He also authored Foundations of the Christian Faith which provides a readable overview of Christian theology.


7 ratings

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  1. Nathan



    Excellent book. Boyce is one of the best expositors of the word I have read. This is a must read book for Christians.
  2. Maryellen J Lewis
  3. Dave Thawley

    Dave Thawley


    I am loving this book. I am relatively new to any form of theology and I have a lot of questions (well had a lot of questions). I am only half way though this (it is really 4 books in one cover) but I am loving it so much I thought I would write to recommend it. It is masterful. Boyce progresses along intelligently which makes me respond with questions which he seems to immediately answer. Or, he provides information and allow me to form a conclusion which is then immediately affirms. The book is very easy to read and constantly supports its conclusions by referring to scripture. I am very happy to have bumped into this book when I did on my journey and would really recommend it to anyone.
  4. Andrew Perez

    Andrew Perez


    This is a great commentary set. I find myself constantly referring ti them go get insights on the many topics of interest. I am constantly using it for sermon preparation and Sunday school work. It has been a great blessing to my life. God Bless
  5. John L. Jefferson
  6. Prophet_kevin
  7. RichThay47



  8. John Garrett Conner
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