Digital Logos Edition
In Jesus as the Fulfillment of the Temple in the Gospel of John, Paul M. Hoskins explores the connection between Jesus and the temple. Interpreters often associate John 1:14, 1:51, 2:18–22 and 4:20–24 with Jesus’ replacement of the temple. Based on these texts, one can already begin to see that he fulfills and replaces the temple in that he is the new locus of God’s presence, glory, revelation, and abundant provision for his people. In particular, John 2:18–22 clearly associates Jesus’ role as the Temple with his death and resurrection.
With Logos, you get quick access to the Greek and English Scripture texts, along with a wealth of other resources in your digital library. Hovering over Scripture references instantly displays the verse you’re looking for, and clicking on it brings you straight to the text you’re studying. Your digital library also gives you instant access to a wealth of other resources on the New Testament—your dictionaries, encyclopedias, commentaries, and other scholarly works are all within easy reach!
“John’s use of the Old Testament. Jesus is commonly portrayed in the Fourth Gospel as the fulfillment and replacement of those Old Testament institutions that preceded him. D. A. Carson summarizes the theological significance of this replacement when he says that Old Testament institutions ‘find their true significance and real continuity in him who is the true vine, the true light, the true temple, the one of whom Moses wrote.’” (Page 2)
“Although it does not ignore other areas of sin, Ezekiel 8–11 places particular emphasis upon their idolatry.157” (Page 70)
“Typology may be defined as the study which traces parallels or correspondences between incidents recorded in the Old Testament and their counterparts in the New Testament such that the latter can be seen to resemble the former in notable respects and yet to go beyond them.” (Page 19)
“Second, in doing so, the incarnate Word is fulfilling a promise whose most recent prophetic expression anticipated its fulfillment within a new Temple building.” (Page 119)
“The Tabernacle is established by God to be a central part of the ongoing relationship between himself and his people.” (Page 45)
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Forrest Cole
Graham Lynes
Serge Descoeurs
Terry Kashian
Terry Kashian
Michael Maria Waldstein