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Products>Paul and Pauline Theology Collection (15 vols.)

Paul and Pauline Theology Collection (15 vols.)

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The Paul and Pauline Theology Collection presents 15 volumes of in-depth study on Paul’s works, thought, world, and legacy. It includes contributions from top New Testament scholars, including Krister Stendahl, Christiaan Beker, E.P. Sanders, Terence L. Donaldson, and others. Citing ancient and modern sources and using the latest scholarly methods, this collection allows readers to view Paul in fresh light. Learn how to apply Paul’s teaching to contemporary preaching, teaching, and spiritual formation. Discover what Paul’s relationship to Jewish tradition and thought was. Explore this important and controversial figure’s moral reasoning and his mission in Rome’s political context. The collection also includes analyses of Paul’s views on numerous topics, including missions, the Law, Gentile salvation, the Holy Spirit, and Christ’s death, resurrection, and return.

Resource Experts
  • Studies Paul’s life, work, and legacy
  • Analyzes specific aspects of Paul’s theology
  • Presents current methods in Pauline scholarship
  • Title: Paul and Pauline Theology Collection
  • Publisher: Fortress Press
  • Volumes: 15
  • Pages: 3,689

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The Challenge of Diversity: The Witness of Paul and the Gospels

  • Author: David Rhoads
  • Publisher: Fortress Press
  • Publication Date: 1996
  • Pages: 184

Sample Pages: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7

This volume is addressed primarily to Christians of various denominations in the United States—to parishes, both laity and clergy, and to students. The book is useful in teaching, preaching, spiritual formation, and mission. Its aim is simply to be a source of Christian renewal at both the personal and the parish levels as together we seek to minister to one another and to the world. It is an invitation to reach beyond our own perspective and to embrace a wider circle of diverse viewpoints as legitimate expressions of the Christian life—both in the New Testament and in the contemporary church—and to be open to learn and grow from them.

This book is an excellent introduction to the major ways of being Christian in the New Testament. David Rhoads brings out the richness and diversity of the New Testament in such a way as to help us understand and welcome the richness and diversity in our churches and culture today. The book is both a good introduction to New Testament thought and to ways in which that thought may be meaningful in our own context.

Joanna Dewey, Harvey H. Guthrie Jr. Professor Emerita of Biblical Studies, Episcopal Divinity School

I love this book! It is an excellent guide for those who wish to draw on the rich resources of Scripture for varieties of mission and ministry in the contemporary world. Students and congregations, clergy and laity, will find that this volume enhances understanding of their own diversity and appreciation for the diversity of others.

Mark Allan Powell, Robert and Phyllis Leatherman Professor of New Testament, Trinity Lutheran Seminary

The essential point of the Challenge of Diversity is that appreciation of the diversity in Scripture and in the early church is a source of renewal in the church today. . . . The book’s principal strength is its case that church renewal must be grounded in Scripture and that diverse perspectives of particular writings must be honored. In this way Rhoads offers a welcome corrective to reductionist tendencies that gloss over theological and relational tensions within and between biblical books. . . . Rhoads offers a timely and constructive contribution for engaging the challenge of diversity, and those seeking fruitful discussion on this topic will not be disappointed.


Rhoads’ style is clear and accessible, and his passion for the renewal of the church comes through on every page. This book will prove stimulating reading for pastors, seminarians, and lay persons who are concerned to draw upon the rich resources of the Bible in revitalizing the life and mission of a diverse church in a pluralistic world.

Princeton Seminary Bulletin

I highly recommend this book for both lay and minister readers and for personal and group study. My first year seminarians in my introductory Gospels course loved it! It evoked lively discussion, helped us experience the Gospels anew, and deepened our appreciation of the profundity and contemporary relevance of diverse New Testament witnesses. It is a book that can help all of us understand and embrace the diversity that is God’s gift to the church and essential to effective mission and ministry.

The Presbyterian Outlook

David Rhoads is emeritus professor of New Testament at Lutheran School of Theology in Chicago and the author of Reading Mark: Engaging the Gospel, editor of From Every People and Nation: The Book of Revelation in Intercultural Perspective, and coeditor of The Season of Creation: A Preaching Commentary.

Conflict and Identity in Romans: The Social Setting of Paul’s Letter

  • Author: Philip F. Esler
  • Publisher: Fortress Press
  • Publication Date: 2003
  • Pages: 472

Sample Pages: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7

What is the purpose of Paul’s letter to the Romans? Esler provides an illuminating analysis of this epistle, employing social-scientific methods along with epigraphy and archaeology. His conclusion is that the Apostle Paul was attempting to facilitate the resolution of intergroup conflict among the Christ-followers of Rome, especially between Judeans and non-Judeans, and to establish a new identity for them by developing a form of group categorization that subsumes the various groups into a new entity.

Esler provides his readers with a discerning, exciting, and masterful reading of St. Paul’s letter to the Romans. . . . For an incisive, penetrating, and sensible grasp of Romans, there is nothing better than Esler’s work. The unassuming and unostentatious style in which the book is written belies the freshness of insight and brilliance of perception that the author offers his readers.

Bruce J. Malina, professor of New Testament and early Christianity, Creighton University

This is an important study of Paul’s letter to Rome that breaks out of the traditional boundaries of doctrine interpretation. Employing insights from recent social science, Esler argues that Paul offers the diverse churches in Rome a common in-group identity that could overcome their ethnic conflicts and make cooperation possible. They need to understand that every ethnic group stands equally under sin and under grace. This innovative book makes Romans more important than ever for a world still torn by ethnic conflict.

Robert Jewett, visiting professor of New Testament, University of Heidelberg

Philip F. Esler is professor of biblical criticism at the University of St. Andrews, Scotland. Among his publications are The Early Christian World, Galatians, and The Early Christians and Their Social Worlds.

Final Account: Paul’s Letter to the Romans

  • Author: Krister Stendahl
  • Publisher: Fortress Press
  • Publication Date: 1995
  • Pages: 76

Sample Pages: 1 | 2 | 3

Krister Stendahl offers a provocative and compelling reading of Paul’s letter to the Romans, the “final account” of the major themes of Paul’s theology. Among these are the conceptual underpinnings of Paul’s mission, the grand divine plan for the mending of creation, the redemption of Israel, the mystery of the inclusion of the Gentiles, and the relation of the “macro” to the “micro” in Paul’s thought—and much more.

The book is delightful reading, punctuated with humor, yet serious about expounding long-standing traditional interpretations of Paul and of Romans that fly in the face of the text and the spirit of Paul’s intentions.

Journal of Beliefs and Values

Krister Stendahl (1921–2008) was Andrew W. Mellon Professor of Divinity Emeritus and former dean at Harvard Divinity School, and bishop emeritus of Stockholm. Among his many writings is Paul among Jews and Gentiles.

The Influence of the Holy Spirit: The Popular View of the Apostolic Age and the Teaching of the Apostle

  • Author: Hermann Gunkel
  • Publisher: Fortress Press
  • Publication Date: 1979
  • Pages: 144

Sample Pages: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6

This little book, the first by Hermann Gunkel, shattered the reigning images of the New Testament idea of the Spirit. Gunkel’s argument not only revolutionized the theology of his time but has continued to be foundational for most subsequent studies on the subject. As he did in so much of his work, Gunkel not only explores the milieu of the New Testament but also demonstrates the dependence of the biblical message upon its religious environment.

Hermann Gunkel (late professor of Old Testament at the university in Berlin, Giessen, and Halle, Germany) is one of the most important figures in the history of Old Testament research. He is best known as the founding figure of form criticism and as a member of the History of Religion School.

Paul Among Jews and Gentiles and Other Essays

  • Author: Krister Stendahl
  • Publisher: Fortress Press
  • Publication Date: 1976
  • Pages: 128

Sample Pages: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6

A sharp challenge to traditional ways of understanding Paul is sounded in this book by a distinguished interpreter of the New Testament. Krister Stendahl proposes—in the key title essay—new ways of exploring Paul’s speech: Paul must be heard as one who speaks of his call rather than conversion, of justification rather than forgiveness, or weakness rather than sin, of love rather than integrity, and in unique rather than universal language.

The title essay is complemented by the landmark paper, “Paul and the Introspective Conscience of the West,” and by two seminal explorations of Pauline issues: “Judgment and Mercy” and “Glossolalia—The New Testament Evidence.” The book concludes with Stendahl’s pointed reply to the eminent scholar Ernst Kasemann who has taken issue with the author’s revolutionary interpretations. This volume provides convincingly new ways for viewing Paul, the most formative of Christian teachers.

An especially important book . . . for all who are interested in the alleged biblical roots of Christian anti-Semitism.


Krister Stendahl (1921–2008) was Andrew W. Mellon Professor of Divinity Emeritus and former dean at Harvard Divinity School, and bishop emeritus of Stockholm. Among his many writings is Final Account: Paul’s Letter to the Romans.

Paul: Apostle to the Nations: An Introduction

  • Author: Walter F. Taylor Jr.
  • Publisher: Fortress Press
  • Publication Date: 2012
  • Pages: 398

Sample Pages: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6

Seemingly from the start, the Apostle Paul has been one of Christianity’s most important—and controversial—figures. In this carefully designed textbook, Walter F. Taylor Jr. sets the apostle in his cultural world, examining his work, his letters, and his legacy in the light of the latest scholarly methods. Paul’s thought never stands alone; careful attention is given to social realities and controversies in Paul’s churches and to rhetorical aspects of his letters. Frequent sidebars illustrate points or offer additional depth; maps, a timeline, and photographs bring the world around Paul to life. Each chapter includes study questions and recommendations for further reading. A glossary of terms and bibliography help the beginning and the advanced student alike.

Professor Taylor has provided a clearly written and highly informative account of Paul’s life, his world, and his letters. The presentation is well organized, comprehensive, and insightful, making the apostle and his work accessible to the reader. The book can be recommended highly for students and others who want a reliable guide to one of the most important figures and collections of New Testament writings at the dawn of Christian origins.

Arland J. Hultgren, emeritus professor, Luther Seminary, St. Paul, MN

This extremely well-written study combines an effective exposition of Paul’s identity with an effective exposition of Paul’s seven undisputed letters. Professor Taylor is remarkably sensitive to the Roman imperial context of Paul’s ministry and the impact of Paul’s Roman chains upon his letters to the Philippians and to Philemon.

—Richard J. Cassidy, professor of sacred Scripture, Sacred Heart Major Seminary, Detroit, MI

Walter F. Taylor Jr. is the Ernest W. and Edith S. Ogram Professor of New Testament Studies at Trinity Lutheran Seminary and a member of the Context Group, applying social-science models to the study of the New Testament. He is the author of numerous journal articles on the New Testament and of Ephesians, and study resources on Galatians and Romans.

Paul and the Gentiles: Remapping the Apostle’s Convictional World

  • Author: Terence L. Donaldson
  • Publisher: Fortress Press
  • Publication Date: 1997
  • Pages: 432

Sample Pages: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7

In this first major analysis of Paul’s understanding of Gentile salvation in several years, Terence Donaldson offers a creative approach to the major themes of the apostle’s theological convictions: God, sin, the Torah, Christ, Israel, his own call, and others. According to Donaldson, Paul as a believer in Jesus Christ did not abandon his Jewish frame of reference but reconfigured it, especially by the stimulus of his mission to the Gentiles.

Not since E. P. Sander’s Paul and Palestinian Judaism has there been such a sustained effort to understand Paul by locating him in his native religion, late Second Temple Judaism. Donaldson constructs Paul’s context by looking particularly at ancient evidence, both scriptural and social, as it pertains to Jewish views of and interactions with Gentiles. The result is a breathtakingly ambitious survey and analysis of Jewish thought on ‘the Gentile questions,’ combined with a close reading of the epistles and, consequently, a coherent and plausible reconstruction of Paul’s mission and motives. In this book, Terry Donaldson brings together ancient and modern sources with imagination and conviction to advance his own original hypothesis explaining how this ‘Hebrew of Hebrew’ came to see the incorporation of Gentiles as the logical extension of his commitment to Christ and to the redemption of Israel.

—Paula Fredriksen, William Goodwin Aurelio Chair Emerita of the Appreciation of Scripture, Boston University

Terence Donaldson has pursued one specific question with such methodological rigor as to cast light on many aspects of Paul’s convictions, theology, and rhetorical stance in general. This is an important book.

—Lloyd Gaston, emeritus professor of New Testament, Vancouver School of Theology

Donaldson interacts honestly and incisively with the main lines of thinking that are now current and offers a new dimension of thought that has not yet been presented.

Scot McKnight, Karl A. Olsson Professor in Religious Studies, North Park University

Terence L. Donaldson is Lord and Lady Coggan Professor of New Testament Studies at Wycliffe College. He is the author of Jesus on the Mountain: A Study in Matthean Theology and Jews and Anti-Judaism in the New Testament.

Paul the Apostle: The Triumph of God in Life and Thought

  • Author: J. Christiaan Beker
  • Publisher: Fortress Press
  • Publication Date: 1980
  • Pages: 480

Sample Pages: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7

This volume posits two pillars as the foundations of Paul’s thought: one, the interaction between coherence and contingency in Paul’s interpretation of the Gospel, and two, the apocalyptic character of his Gospel.

This theological construction is so imposing that it is likely to become the lightning rod for the next phase of scholarly storms. . . . Both in opening up new solutions to knotty interpretive problems, Paul the Apostle is a major achievement. It should be on the ‘must-read’ list for every serious devotee of the New Testament.

Theology Today

. . . a full-dress study of Paul’s thought, characterized by comprehensiveness, exegetical discipline, theological penetration, and a passion for a responsible contemporary hermeneutic. . . . It will grace our Pauline shelves for a very long time, not least because readers will sense that the theological passions that raged in the heart and mind of Paul incite a contagious resonance in the heart and mind of the distinguished author.

Word and World

This book is a serious proposal by a mature scholar. Its specificity will drive others to investigate the breadth of learning it presumes. Its theological concern is candidly accessible on the grounds of historical and exegetical inquiry. It is a welcome contribution to New Testament interpretation.

Catholic Biblical Quarterly

J. Christiaan Beker was, for 30 years, the Richard J. Dearborn Professor of New Testament Theology at Princeton Theological Seminary; he died in 1999. Among his books are The Triumph of God and The New Testament: A Thematic Introduction.

Paul, the Law, and the Jewish People

  • Author: E.P. Sanders
  • Publisher: Fortress Press
  • Publication Date: 1983
  • Pages: 240

Sample Pages: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7

This book is devoted both to the problem of Paul’s view of the Law as a whole, and to his thought about and relation to his fellow Jews. Building upon his previous study, the critically acclaimed Paul and Palestinian Judaism, E.P. Sanders explores Paul’s Jewishness by concentrating on his overall relationship to Jewish tradition and thought. Sanders addresses such topics as Paul’s use of Scripture, the degree to which he was a practicing Jew during his career as apostle to the Gentiles, and his thoughts about his “kin by race” who did not accept Jesus as the Messiah. In short, Paul’s thoughts about the Law and his own people are re-examined with new awareness and great care.

Sanders addresses an important chapter in the history of the emergence of Christianity. Paul’s role in that development—especially in light of Galatians and Romans—is now re-evaluated in a major way. This book is in fact a significant contribution to the study of the emergent normative self-definition in Judaism and Christianity during the first centuries of the Common Era.

E.P. Sanders is emeritus arts and sciences professor of religion at Duke University, Durham, North Carolina. He is the author of Jesus and Judaism, winner of the 1990 Louisville Grawemeyer Award in Religion. Paul and Palestinian Judaism received the 1978 National Religious Book Award, Scholarly Book Category, from Religious Book Review.

Paul’s Apocalyptic Gospel: The Coming Triumph of God

  • Author: J. Christiaan Beker
  • Publisher: Fortress Press
  • Publication Date: 1982
  • Pages: 127

Sample Pages: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5

In this bold sequel to Paul the Apostle, celebrated New Testament scholar J. Christiaan Beker reclaimed the apocalyptic center of Paul’s proclamation for the life of the contemporary church.

J. Christiaan Beker faces a major question: can the genuine power of Paul’s truly responsible apocalyptic be recovered in our time—so that we are actually addressed by the gospel of God’s coming cosmic triumph—without falling victim to readily available forms of sheer speculation, paranoid polarization, and romantic futurism? Beker responds to this question with uncommon honesty and insight as he shows that the passion for God’s coming triumph can serve—and in fact does serve—as the generating source of our compassion for our needy world.

J. Louis Martyn, Edward Robinson Professor Emeritus of Biblical Theology, Union Theological Seminary

The great Christian word hope has fallen on hard times: existential theologians have redefined it as openness to a vague future; Apocalyptic sensationalists have reduced it to a time table of escapism. In his study of Paul’s Apocalyptic Gospel, Beker has recaptured the meaning of hope. To a church fettered to her past or consumed by her present, no perspective is more helpful than Beker’s conclusion that the Gospel embraces the future and that the future’s clearest feature is the victory of God. Preaching will come to life and Bible study take on new vigor for all who walk through Paul’s letters with Beker as a guide.

David Allan Hubbard, former president, Fuller Theological Seminary

J. Christiaan Beker was, for 30 years, the Richard J. Dearborn Professor of New Testament Theology at Princeton Theological Seminary; he died in 1999. Among his books are the critically acclaimed Paul the Apostle, The Triumph of God, and The New Testament: A Thematic Introduction.

The Practice of Hope: Ideology and Intention in 1 Thessalonians

  • Author: Néstor O. Míguez
  • Publisher: Fortress Press
  • Publication Date: 2012
  • Pages: 256

Sample Pages: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7

Although the political interpretation of Paul is still considered something of a novelty in North America and Europe, it is well established in Latin America and among theologians of liberation. In The Practice of Hope, Néstor O. Míguez brings the insights of historical-critical study and political analysis together with incisive theological reflection. Taking on European philosophical interpretations of Paul, the “North Atlantic consensus” regarding social stratification in the Pauline churches, and the distortions of “rapture” theology, Míguez situates Paul’s mission in the political context of Roman Thessalonica and reads his first letter in engagement with Latin American realities. The result is a surprising rediscovery of Paul as an organic intellectual for whom hope is always a socially concrete reality.

Néstor O. Míguez is professor of Bible at the Instituto Universitario ISEDET in Buenos Aires and the author of numerous books and articles on the theological and political interpretation of the New Testament, including Juan de Patmos: El Visionario y Su Visión, El Jesús del Pueblo, and with his father José Míguez Bonino, That You May Have Life: Encounters with Jesus in the Gospel of John.

Studying Paul’s Letters: Contemporary Perspectives and Methods

  • Editor: Joseph A. Marchal
  • Publisher: Fortress Press
  • Publication Date: 2012
  • Pages: 248

Sample Pages: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7

Studying Paul’s Letters provides a survey of the most relevant current methods in Pauline scholarship. Joseph A. Marchal leads a group of scholars who are also experienced teachers in courses on Paul. More than a series of “how-to” essays in interpretation, each chapter in this volume shows how differences in starting point and interpretive decisions shape different ways of understanding Paul. Each teacher-scholar focuses on what a particular method brings to interpretation and applies that method to a text in Paul’s letters, aiming not just at the beginning student but at the “tough choices” every teacher must make in balancing information with critical reflection. Studying Paul’s Letters is organized for use in a single semester course on Paul and is perfect for graduate students, seminarians, and undergraduate students.

The essays in Studying Paul’s Letters, each written by a first-tier scholar, manage to demonstrate cutting-edge Pauline scholarship in ways that remain highly accessible for beginning students. These essays will not only provoke conversation about difference in perspective, but also reveal the multiple ways that seemingly disparate approaches still often intertwine. I can think of no other collection suitable as supplementary readings for students that so effectively unites these various goals.

Robert Paul Seesengood, assistant professor of religious studies, Albright College

Pauline studies, long the most methodologically monolithic and theologically timid area of New Testament studies, bursts out of its shell with this textbook. I feel I’ve been waiting for it for a very long time.

Stephen D. Moore, professor of New Testament, Drew Theological School

This is arguably the best and most accessible textbook for a course on reading Paul. This book will help readers learn not only about Paul in particular but also how one might approach the New Testament in general. The latter aspect is especially helpful since it focuses on approaches that are still seldom covered in most textbooks on biblical criticism, like reading from a spatial and a visual perspective. Most importantly, contributors to this volume write as teachers as well as researchers. I will no doubt adopt this book for my next course on Paul.

Tat-siong Benny Liew, professor of New Testament, Pacific School of Religion

This introduction to Paul’s letters is a surprisingly readable entrée into a spectrum of ideological approaches to interpreting biblical texts. Foregrounding accountability for the results of our engagement with Scripture, each chapter in turn offers a substantive engagement with and challenge to more traditional methods of reading Paul. Perhaps more importantly, any given chapter simultaneously highlights the highly political nature not only of Paul’s letters but also of our interpretations of them. A course on Paul today, whether for the undergraduate or seminary level, would be woefully lacking without this text.

—Jennifer Bird, associate professor of religion, Greensboro College

Joseph A. Marchal is associate professor of religious studies in the department of philosophy and religious studies at Ball State University and the author of The Politics of Heaven: Women, Gender, and Empire in the Study of Paul and a number of journal articles and essays concerning method and approach in interpretation.

A Theology of the Cross: The Death of Jesus in the Pauline Letters

  • Author: Charles B. Cousar
  • Publisher: Fortress Press
  • Publication Date: 1990
  • Pages: 208

Sample Pages: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7

In Paul’s epistles the crucifixion story reveals a God who is free and in no way bound by human categories or expectations. Yet God in Christ chooses to be engaged in the very depths of the human predicament. The message of the crucifixion is that God’s power is manifested in weakness, not in strength. The author believes that this “weakness as strength” should be the focal point of the church’s identity. However, a celebration of weakness is in complete opposition to traditional American beliefs in personal strength and a powerful church.

Charles Cousar’s A Theology of the Cross moves gracefully between critical exegesis and theological reflection. Deftly expositing Paul’s interpretation of the cross and resurrection, Cousar corrects the polemical imbalance of Kasemann’s treatment while updating its insights about the urgency of the word of the cross for the church today. Cousar’s discerning work is a splendid achievement: at once deeply conversant with cutting-edge technical scholarship and written with great lucidity for the nonspecialist, it illumines Paul’s message in a way that will prove especially valuable for pastors and students. I know of no other work that so helpfully synthesizes important recent developments in the study of Pauline theology.

Richard B. Hays, George Washington Ivey Professor New Testament, Suke Divinity School

Charles B. Cousar is Emeritus Samuel A. Cartledge Professor of New Testament at Columbia Theological Seminary, Decatur, Georgia.

The Triumph of God: The Essence of Paul’s Thought

  • Author: J. Christiaan Beker
  • Publisher: Fortress Press
  • Publication Date: 1990
  • Pages: 168

Sample Pages: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5

This book posits two pillars as the foundations of Paul’s thought: one, the interaction between coherence and contingency in Paul’s interpretation of the gospel, and two, the apocalyptic character of his Gospel. The author ventures to demonstrate how Paul’s interpretation of the Gospel as coherent is integral with Paul’s communication of the Gospel as situationally contingent. These ostensibly opposing perspectives actually combine to form a fluid Pauline hermeneutic. The centrality of Christological apocalyptic in Paul’s interpretation is posited and involves a radical shift in traditional conceptions of Paul’s theology. The author is “recasting Paul’s theology as a theocentric theology of hope rather than as a Christocentric salvation-history (O. Cullmann) or as an existentialist theology of the cross (R. Bultmann). A theology of hope views the present as the dawn of the future and the future as the full actualization of the present.” Examining the implications of this approach—the ultimacy of God’s sovereignty and triumph beside the Christ-event, the formation of a “biblical-theology,” a rethinking of traditional concepts of salvation and ethics—the author intends to reveal a fresh and most enlightening view of Paul’s theology.

The Triumph of God is a book for which we have long been waiting. In it Beker, one of today’s leading interpreters of Paul, makes available to a wide readership the central tenets of his bold and much-discussed approach to Paul. Beker’s thesis is that, for Paul, the Christ-event is proleptic of the coming, cosmic triumph of God. Categorically, Beker takes issue with any construal of Paul that downplays the theocentric, cosmic, or future aspects of the apostle’s apocalyptic gospel. Challenging and controversial, this slim volume is ideal for classroom use. Pastors, teachers, and students will read it with interest and be nudged to see Paul’s ancient writings in new perspective.

Jack Dean Kingsbury, emeritus professor, Union Theological Seminary, VA

J. Christiaan Beker was, for 30 years, the Richard J. Dearborn Professor of New Testament Theology at Princeton Theological Seminary; he died in 1999. Among his books are the critically acclaimed Paul the Apostle and The New Testament: A Thematic Introduction.

Walking between the Times: Paul’s Moral Reasoning

  • Author: J. Paul Sampley
  • Publisher: Fortress Press
  • Publication Date: 1991
  • Pages: 128

Sample Pages: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5

Two times govern Paul’s thought world: the death and resurrection of Jesus, marking the origin of the believer’s life; and Christ’s return or parousia, culminating God’s purposes with this world. Between these two times Paul is concerned about how believers behave—how they walk. J. Paul Sampley provides a guidebook for all who want to understand Paul’s thought world, his moral reasoning, and the resources for deliberation that Paul considers available to believers.

Walking between the Times rescues Paul from his ‘Lutheran captivity’ by emphasizing his eschatology as his frame of ethical reflection. Sampley’s work is one more notable contribution to our reclaiming of Paul for helping Christians to live ‘between the times.’

Stanley M. Hauerwas, Gilbert T. Rowe Professor of Theological Ethics, Duke University

Sampley offers a clear and easily understood exposition of Paul’s ethic, taking account of a widely accepted consensus about living between the old age and the new. It is the most accessible treatment of the issues currently available and should receive a wide readership.

Robert Jewett, visiting professor of New Testament, University of Heidelberg

J. Paul Sampley has provided a simple and attractive map of a complicated terrain: Paul’s moral reasoning. Pastors, laypeople, and students will be surprised to discover a fresh way of reflecting on moral issues in texts they thought were all too familiar.

—Wayne A. Meeks, Woolsey Professor Emeritus of Biblical Studies, Yale University

J. Paul Sampley is emeritus professor of New Testament, School of Theology, Boston University.


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  1. Joel Landon Watts
    a lot of good, but hard to find books in this lot. a lot of great scholarship — a mix of biblical studies, theology, and hermeneutics.


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