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Products>You Can Understand the Bible

You Can Understand the Bible

, 2005
ISBN: 9781586170455

Digital Logos Edition

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Many people are often (understandably) intimidated or overwhelmed by the Bible’s sheer size and complexity. But now popular author and Boston College professor Peter Kreeft has written a clear road map of the Bible, focusing his keen insight and engaging wit on the core message of each book. It won’t take long for you to understand why his guide to Scripture has become a bestseller. Sparkling with intelligence and Kreeft’s trademark humor, You Can Understand the Bible will transform dry study into spiritually satisfying adventures in God’s Word. Regardless of how you approached—or didn’t approach—the Bible before, you’ll come away with a new appreciation of its depth and meaning. Kreeft provides practical guidance for praying the Scriptures every day, allowing you to delve into the messages of Scripture in a manner that will surprise, delight, and reward.

In the Logos edition, all Scripture passages in You Can Understand the Bible are tagged and appear on mouseover, and all Scripture passages link to your favorite Bible translation in your library. With Logos’ advanced features, you can perform powerful searches by topic or Scripture reference—finding, for example, every mention of “the Promised Land” or “salvation.”

  • Clear overview of each book of the Bible
  • Introductions to the Old Testament and the Gospels
  • Practical guidance for praying the Scriptures every day

Top Highlights

“Other religions tell of man’s search for God; the Bible tells of God’s search for man. Other religions tell timeless truths about God; the Bible tells of God’s deeds in time, in history.” (Page 4)

“Genesis 3 does not teach that man is now ontologically bad, bad in his being, but morally bad, bad in his choices. God made our being; we make our choices.” (Page 14)

“This is a painful book. In it Israel learns the hard lesson of the unavoidable consequences of unbelief and disobedience. It is a purgatorial education and purification, necessary for a people not yet mature in faith and obedience. It is fools, they say, who learn by experience.” (Page 36)

“The answer is that the law expresses God’s will and is thus the glue that binds us to God. It is God we love via the law.” (Page 29)

“When God changes Abram’s name to Abraham and Jacob’s to Israel, He does something only God can do, because for the Hebrews your name means not your social label but your divinely ordained nature, character and destiny. That’s why Jesus was implicitly claiming divinity when He changed Simon’s name to Peter (Jn 1:42).” (Page 20)

  • Title: You Can Understand the Bible
  • Author: Peter Kreeft
  • Publisher: Ignatius Press
  • Publication Date: 2005
  • Pages: 328

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Peter John Kreeft, Ph.D., (born 1937) is a professor of philosophy at Boston College and The King’s College, and author of numerous books as well as a popular writer on philosophy, Christian theology, and specifically Roman Catholic apologetics. He also formulated together with Ronald K. Tacelli, SJ, “Twenty Arguments for the Existence of God.”


4 ratings

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  1. St. Corbinian's Bear
  2. Donald K Schwager
  3. Allan Bach

    Allan Bach


    Peter Kreeft writes for everyone. Whether you've just begun reading Scripture or are well-versed, his explanations of the Bible will expand your knowledge.
  4. Tom Smith

    Tom Smith


  5. Antonius



    From page xi: There are thousands of books about The Book. Why another one? First it is for beginners. Second, it is especially (but not exclusively) for Catholics. Third, it is short and simple. It is also designed to be practical. -- The author has succeeded with all four of his goals. The chapters for the the books of the Old testament are typically 6 or 7 pages. Many books are also grouped together into one chapter where it makes sense, for example: 1&2 Samuel, 1&2 Kings, Timothy & Titus. Major classifications of Books also have a chapter, examples: Introductions to: the Old Testament, Gospels, and Paul’s Epistles. This is a perfect summary of the Bible, that highlights key points and verses for each book of the Bible.


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