Digital Logos Edition
Noted for its steadfast commitment to biblical authority, its readability, and its clear exposition of Scripture, the Preaching the Word Series is an ideal resource for pastors, teachers, and those seeking to enrich their personal Bible study. This set of commentaries on the Old and New Testaments is edited by renowned pastor, R. Kent Hughes, of College Church in Wheaton Illinois. In this collection, experienced pastors exemplify expository preaching and provide practical applications of 45 books of the Bible, as well as the Sermon on the Mount. Preachers and laity alike will find these commentaries both insightful and accessible.
From the Publisher:
In the book of Revelation, God unveils the world as it really is, identifying an unseen spiritual war and announcing a very real day of judgment. As the end approaches, we need to be convinced that Jesus is reigning as the risen King. We need to have him speak to the situation in our churches. We need to see how God will pulverize wickedness, answer those who oppose him, and establish his eternal kingdom. Revelation has exactly what we need.
Useful for personal study, as well as for preaching and teaching, the thirty-seven sermons in this volume have a clear structure and even include helpful charts and tables to highlight key themes and literary elements. In each sermon, professor and pastor James Hamilton grabs the reader’s attention, raises awareness of a real need, and states the main point of the biblical text. In addition to explaining the meaning of each passage, Hamilton connects the main ideas to applicable analogies and actionable points.
Revelation is a prophecy of epic proportions and Hamilton invites readers to love God and his people by expositing this revelation of Jesus, and to say along with the apostle John, “Come, Lord Jesus.”
With the Logos edition, thise valuable volume is enhanced by amazing functionality and features. Scripture and ancient text citations link directly to English translations and original-language texts, and important terms link to dictionaries, encyclopedias, and a wealth of other resources in your digital library. Perform powerful searches with the topic guide to instantly gather relevant biblical texts and resources together. Tablet and mobile apps let you take the discussion with you. With Logos Bible Software, the most efficient and comprehensive research tools are in one place so you get the most out of your study.
“Are you living in a way that matches the clean and holy presence of God? Or are you living in ways that fit you for fellowship with demons and unclean beasts?” (Page 335)
“These people do not repent, even though they are breaking the two great commandments; their sins match the two divisions of the Ten Commandments. Rather than worship God, they worship idols. Rather than love their neighbors, they murder, manipulate through magic, commit adultery, and steal.” (Page 216)
“There seems to be a progression in these middle three letters. The first of the three, to Pergamum, addresses a church that holds to false teaching, but they are not explicitly rebuked for false teaching and sexual immorality. The second of the three, to Thyatira, rebukes the church for tolerating Jezebel, who teaches the Lord’s servants to commit sexual immorality and to eat food offered to idols. The third letter, to Sardis, addresses a church that is dead. Do you want to know how a church dies? I would suggest that we have a hint here. It starts with false teaching, which leads to idolatry and immorality, which kills the church.” (Page 86)
“The indwelling of the Spirit makes the church the new temple. The goal of this whole trajectory is not a rebuilt temple in Jerusalem, but a day when the whole of creation will be like the Holy of Holies in the new heavens and the new earth. So I don’t think Revelation predicts there will be a rebuilt temple in Jerusalem. Rather, the temple becomes a symbol for the church, which is God’s temple because the church is indwelt by the Holy Spirit (1 Corinthians 3:16; 6:19).” (Page 234)
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